Not really sure who you're referencing here.
They all, for the most part, look great.
Matthew Perry looks terrible.
RIP in piece Chandler
Jeez what's Schwimmer's secret?
God damn, Chandler really didn't age well
Mathew Perry really got his shit fucked up
top percentage Matt Leblanc is aging well
Damn, David Schwimmer looks like THAT?!
That isn't Matthew Perry. This is Matthew Perry. Please think before you make fools of yourselves.
He decided against buying a wig
Big mistake
>Courtney Cox is a walking plastic monster
>Please think before you make fools of yourselves.
Babies blood.
Feasting on the foreskin of newborn babies.
No, this is Chandler
Anniston is still a serious piece of ass.
Ross aged like fine wine
She is, I'm actually really impressed with how good Kudrow looks though.
He didn't age at all. Is he a teetotaller?
Matthew Perry looks terrible.
RIP in piece Chandler
God damn, Chandler really didn't age well
Mathew Perry really got his shit fucked up
damn kudrow didnt age at all. Cox is the worst
He hardly aged
I saw Courtney Cocks on that celebrity wilderness show with Bear Grylls. She looks absolutely deplorable, her face was like Joan Rivers fell face first into a hundred fists
Phoebes face without the makeup looks like an old baseball mitt left out in the sun
Chandler is just.. he's done
he did cocaine for 30 years
Lol from the thumbnail I thought that Leblanc and anniston had JUST hair photoshopped on
>George Lucas neck syndrome
>Phoebes face without the makeup looks like an old baseball mitt left out in the sun
Describes virtually every woman over the age of 29
>ros hasn't aged a day
>the black haired one became a total MILF
>the black haired one became a total MILF
Mom I'd like to firebomb?
>preset photo while caked in makeup
>Tribbiani was considered the 'looker' when the show was on
>is the only one who doesnt dye his hair/ obviously had work done
>is the only one who seems the be having actual fun, both in this photo and other projects
>still looks the best by a margin
How you doin?
Ross and Joey still look good in your photos though. They just look tired/uncomfortable in the moment.
Le Blanc no doubt looks good but not sure how anyone could not think Schwimmer looks the best.
Monica is even hotter than she was
This. He's hardly aged.
dyed hair and alcoholic eyes
>courtney hiding in the back to disguise her horrendous face lift
>rest of them are literally immortal vampires
Damn Ross and Rachel look like THAT?
The only things just about this picture is the black tie on the black shirt and Courtney Cox' facelift
Ross Rachel and Phoebe look like they haven't s aged a day
how does this happen?
what is schwimmer's suit made out of, almost looks like rubber
Courteney Cox's face now makes me so sad. She use to be so unbelievably pretty.
I fucking hate Courtney for JUSTing herself like this. She used to be so great.
>everyone got hotter but cox
Frig off OP
Is he Tobin Bell now or something
my dream is to eat a pussy while the anus is fucked
Chandler really doesn't age well
Ross literally hasn't changed.
kino for the ages
Matthew Perry just looks like older version of himself. Which is normal. Courtney Cox looks like a person I've never seen before. It's like even her eyes are different now. Is there any proof this isn't idenntity theft?
Fondant suits.
She's got a Nicholson Joker smile.
Ross aged the best. Rachel aged well too, top tier milf. Joey looks his age, but he looks good. A silver fox. Monica... jesus. Phoebe looks really weathered in close up pics, although she looks fine here. Chandler from what I've seen looks terrible, but still better than Monica who is unrecognisable from who she was 20 years ago.
plastic surgery
Where's Chandler
>tfw worst girl aged like wine
>tfw best girl aged like milk
Joey looks fukkin good
So who the fuck is the creepy bald guy? Joey's boyfriend? I didn't know he was gay.
>Prime Joey
>Phoebe looks the best next to Aniston
>Monica looks like an alien
JUSTice league
All plastic surgery has Bogdanoff endgame and you just decide how far you want to go. You can see the similarities between them and Monica.
Fuck user u made me kek at work
Some director (James Burrows I think?) who directed a bunch of friends and Frasier episodes back in the day. This was taken at an event celebrating his work.
what's the appropriate way to say "lol" on Sup Forums these days?
Kekus maximus
Jeezasaurus Kek
>that pic
>not crying because of her eyebrows
>posting an image from a few years ago
depens on the post you're replying to, if you can sense some newfaggotry in his post you can be a bit stingy and post a lol or hehe xd so he inderstand to lurk more if you can see that he has some experience in Sup Forums you can post the usual kek, jej, cake or even lmao. now if the poster is really an oldfag what you should do is respect the guy you're quoting and add some more adjectives to your post to express your gratitude to what this gut has posted. hope that helps lol!!!
Damn, he used to be a cute.
Does Friend's comedy still held up today
Damn, Chandler's career went south fast.
>best character looks the best today
Its like pottery
getting fat + old
Jennifer Aniston pick is from the movie cake.
Reminder that Aniston gets to plow Justin Theroux on a daily basis. Lucky girl.
Matt le Reddit
Le shitpost
I've watched it a week or two ago for the first time and it was funny the first few seasons, then not at all.
Damn... what happened to chandelier?
Too many hot dinners?
underrated as fuck, hoooly shit
Damn Chandler is looking rough, at least he still is close to Joey
I miss prime Phoebe
>using a picture of jennifer anniston on the set of a movie where she has a fake scar
what did he mean by this?
What do you guys think was on the menu that night?
>none of them look bad
What did OP mean by this?
Kudrow and Schwimmer aged gracefully desu.
Le Blanc looks okay, a little heavy
Aniston and Cox are in their pre-melt phases from all the surgical procedures.
Perry is ofc an unemployable dumpster-diving pill addict last seen in "17 again", I liked that movie though.
Damn Schwimer is killing it.
>meanwhile on Frasier
Marty still alive??
joey, ross and rachel looks great