Would you like to see someone make a movie about this guy's life?
Would you like to see someone make a movie about this guy's life?
I read the article a while ago.
Seems like it would be pretty boring.
Yes! There aren't enough good role models in film.
Man I just read on this guy about a month ago and I can't remember how I started down that road to begin with.
Who is he?
Dude that lived in the woods for close to 30 years.
what was his crime?
>committed 1000 robberies.
>good role model
sorry, burglaries.
1000+ instances of breaking and entry, stealing
>never hurt anyone
>ecological footprint the size of an ant
I'm pretty sure you're a worse role model than he is.
isn't he the guy that would just wander into normal peoples homes while they were at work and just eat their food? its like that ed edd n eddy episode
>got away with it 1000 times
He's a rolemodel to niggaz everywhere
Not really, he's just a guy with asperger's who prefers to be alone, but of course normies think is is soooo mysterious and wacky and consider some hobo an ebin counter-culture icon since they'd kill themselves if they couldn't check their phone every minute.
Haha, yeah! Fuck normies!
I love and respect his methodical nature and his moral code even if it seems hypocritical at times. I'd love to see it as a movie but it would never happen
>Righties who would respect his can-do attitude and rugged individualism would never accept someone who eschews materialism.
>Lefties would love his conservationism and lack of "cabron footprint" would never allow person to see a movie that shows that whites doing a better job than blacks at what they do best.
Christopher Knight the Maine hermit? Don't know if there's a movie in it, but i'd love to read a memoir.
>eschews materialism
is that why he was stealing shit all day every day?
there was no ideological underpinning to what he did
why are all american cops fat?
like really how do those guys pass any sort of physical test
There's a difference between stealing because you want something and stealing because you need food to live you fuck
>the world is divided into left/right as a clear binary
I want American meme politics to die
You say that to my face
how many normies did he kill and why should i care?
Larry David really let himself go..