Best arguments to prove she's a bad character?

Best arguments to prove she's a bad character?

The fact that everything works out in her favor in almost an instant, that it never feels that she really is in danger. She's not a character, she's a plot device. It makes for uninteresting cinema

What do you mean? You don't like her acting- that's it. You can find other people who think that but their opinions are as subjective as Rey's acting abilities.


No flaws other than her fucked up face

Her character is stylistically designed to be that way.

drink bleach

Can we diminish the effects of it?

>Best arguments to prove she's a bad character?
this webbum

>learns jedi mind tricks out of nowhere
>out maneuvers first order pilots even though no prior piloting experience is hinted at
>hands Luke the lightsaber with the blade end of the weapon pointed towards him

Yes, but only if we can get John Boyega to work. Boyega is the key to everything.

He's a darker character than we've ever had before.

I like it. It's cute. She's cute. She doesn't have a character arc but she's cute.

Yeah but he's pretty worthless. Kylo cuts him down like butter.

It's gonna be great.

That's gonna be great.

Yeah okay:
She ain't good. She don't got that thing - acting skills. She don't got 'em. She ain't an actress and someone needs ta sit her down and gently tell her, "Hey, y'know, yous just isn't good enough ta be on the silva screen. It's not me the audience, it's you." And then like give her a consolation prize and send her back ta acting school until she's ready ta start small, like commercials and such.

Her acting is fine, she's not a bad actress, she just got handed a shitty character.

So progressive!

That just means he hates Lando for being lighter skinned.

WTF Vulcans are not Star Wars

>chewing with mouth open

disgusting. do brit bongs actually do this?

It's gonna be great.

Can't fit those teeth in a closed mouth.

I hope you write more posts in this style

I just don't give a fuck about her arc. Will she or won't she become a jedi? Who cares, everything will work out for the best anyway.

The whole premise of her character annoys me.

As if she could survive like that on that planet. Also, she should be way, way more tanned. Should have had her on a different planet living (for originality) in a space orphanage.

>please help me win a debate on reddit

She seems like an okay character, her personality is believable and likeable, it was just kind of unbelievable hew quickly she picked up force powers. Does that count as character?

ITT literal children parroting talking points they've seen other people say
>learns jedi mind tricks out of nowhere
there is no try
>out maneuvers first order pilots even though no prior piloting experience is hinted at
lots of prior piloting experience is hinted at. She demonstrates that she knows everything about the Falcon and every other ship in Plutt's yard and has spent her entire life working on ships. This is a cinematic universe where an untrained moisture farmer and an untrained literal slave baby are 2 of the best pilots in the galaxy. But yeah totally implausible that the person that works on spaceships can fly them.
>hands Luke the lightsaber with the blade end of the weapon pointed towards him
oh fuck. 0/10 movie literal trash.

>autistic child finds out his favorite heroine is hated here

>she should be tanned
Luke and Obi-Wan lived on a desert planet with two suns and both were pale as fuck

This. I find nothing compelling about her, or most of the new characters. The movies are floating by entirely on brand recognition.

>finds out
Nigger if there's one constant on Sup Forums it's that you contrarian tryhards and prequel babbies will act like dumb knownothing faggots about there being a g-g-g-girl protagonist in le space fantasy movie.

You're free to "hate" a fictional fantasy character all you want. I'm still going to call you a desperate faggot dipshits that are too thick to handle shitposting without soliciting help from adults.

if mike hawk had eyes and ears" #rapecanooeleeeeeee

he's be mike olon, you racist motherufukcer, litoris

You could serve sushi off those teeth.

because the movie is shit because of should have kept Rey on the desert planet for half the movie, have her build a longer story arc from there instead of just the entire plot falling into her lap as she godmodes her way through each obstacle

focus on Finn & Poe for the first half, who meet and join Han & Chewy and end up meeting Rey when they search for the Millenium Falcon on her planet

Jesus she looks like the vampires on Daybreakers when they started drinking their own blood


>she performs a jedi mind trick (complete with kenobi-esque cocked eyebrow) despite never being trained to do it, never having it demonstrated to her, or even being told that such a thing even exists. she just 'decides,' out of the blue, that she can magically influence others, even though no one has ever told her that this was possible, and she has no reason to assume as such

watch the movie

Jedi powers are legendary and well-known. She also lives down the street from the church of the force.

so why didn't luke and han know about them?

I dont watch these childrens movies but half in the bag told me she was the best part of the movie

mary sue.

Flies a spaceship despite never flying one before. By herself with no aid or instruction.

>looks like an alien
>can't sell a character
>overacts to the point of satire
>will be 'star wars cursed', in spited of her talentlessness

she probably scavenged a manual or instructional vid somewhere in the fallen ships or the star destroyer. her dream is to leave jakku(and at the same time she doesn't because her family might come back for her), so it'd make sense for her to want to learn how to fly herself out of there, and also kill some time.

>The movies are floating by entirely on brand recognition.
Been that way since Return of the Jedi. Revenge of the Sith was good though.

I agree, her character nearly strains belief.

>As if she could survive like that on that planet. Also, she should be way, way more tanned
dats Rey cyst

>she performs a jedi mind trick (complete with kenobi-esque cocked eyebrow) despite never being trained to do it

Well it was a Disney film so she couldn't suck the Stormtroopers dick to escape. That's how I explain it in my head. Not a Jedi mind trick, just the force pussy.


>she saw the ships at a distance and repaired some
>it makes perfect sense she can pilot them better than anyone!
None of the engineers and repairmen working with airplanes know how to fly them

go back to being a C-grade reality schlock host

30 years of living under an Empire that had slaughtered the Jedi order maybe?

And is it said they didn't know about it, or that they just didn't believe in it?

The entire point of Yoda's character is explaining to Luke "there is no try" and teaching him that the only thing preventing him from using the force is his doubt about being able to use the force.

We see Rey learn that she's got some level of force-awareness and shit when she starts tripping balls after she finds Anakin's lightsaber. Then she gets captured 5 minutes later, tries doing a Jedi trick, and is surprised when it works.

she shouldn't have escaped on her own at all. she should have been stuck and needed rescuing by someone else, like finn and han who were there to save her, but that would mean making her slightly vulnerable and dependent on the help of others, so that's not allowed

>Best arguments to prove she's a bad character?

>has never heard of the force before
>is an expert force user

>white slaver's daughter

>Flies a spaceship despite never flying one before.
headcanon. she says she'd never left the planet as they're flying away. Not that she's never flown. All the exposition and context and everything pretty clearly said that. You're just retarded.

she's not necessarily bad, but she overachieved too much despite this being the first movie.

>she saw the ships at a distance and repaired some
she demonstrated intimate working knowledge of the Falcon, which was her last choice. And again, THIS IS A CINEMATIC UNIVERSE WHERE A PERSON THAT FARMS WATER AND A LITERAL SLAVE BABY ARE 2 OF THE BEST PILOTS IN THE GALAXY. But yeah it's inconceivable that person that works on fucking space ships would know how to operate them.
>None of the engineers and repairmen working with airplanes know how to fly them
well good thing Star Wars is about a fictional wish fulfillment fantasy universe far, far away from here huh.

easy, she pays them back and saves them.

>30 years of living under an Empire that had slaughtered the Jedi order maybe?
han was 10 years older than luke, which means he was alive before the empire even came about
>And is it said they didn't know about it, or that they just didn't believe in it?

>Ben: Vader was seduced by the dark side of the force.
>Luke: "The force"?

>Luke: You don't believe in the Force, do you?
>Han: Kid, I've flown from one side of this galaxy to the other. I've seen a lot of strange stuff, but I've never seen anything to make me believe there's one all-powerful force controlling everything. There's no mystical energy field controls my destiny. It's all a lot of simple tricks and nonsense.
>The entire point of Yoda's character is explaining to Luke "there is no try" and teaching him that the only thing preventing him from using the force is his doubt about being able to use the force.
no one ever told her that the force could be used for such things. why would she ever suddenly assume that it could?

>Star Wars is about a fictional wish fulfillment fantasy universe
and thats the problem. In the other Star Wars movies it was wish fulfillment fantasy for boys and now it's a girl character so it's dumb.

Revenge was just as retarded. Everyone is just too stupid so Palpatine can just easily take over without anyone objecting to it. Why didn't Obi Wan and Yoda bring the damning evidence of Paplatine and Anakin being evil to the senate or some news organization? Why did they split up when they should have stuck together seeing how they were the only two Jedi they knew that were still alive? Team up to kill Palpatine and then go after Anakin. Instead they do the opposite, fail to do both and just accept defeat and go into hiding.

No one ever said Luke was the best pilot. He gets that one shot on the death star cause he used the force. Hell in Empire his ship gets shot down during the battle of Hoth and in that same movie crashes the X Wing on Dagobah. Yeah, some great pilot.

>han was 10 years older than luke, which means he was alive before the empire even came about
yeah he didn't believe in it because he had never seen it. Your original point was that he didn't know about it at all.
>no one ever told her that the force could be used for such things.
she had a crazy force vision immediately before thinking to try some force tricks.

And I love how the complaints are either that TFA is trying too much to be like the OT, except for when the complaints are that things happen differently than they did in the OT.
>why would she ever suddenly assume that it could?
has a religious mind-blowing hallucination about the Force and destiny and shit after she touches a jedi weapon that had psychically called to her. Decides to try out some Jedi shit as a last ditch effort while held captive. Is surprised when it works.

Why not try Jedi mind tricking your captors? What do you have to lose?

>thinking to try some force tricks.
>Decides to try out some Jedi shit as a last ditch effort while held captive
"force tricks" and "jedi shit" that she has no idea exists

Who here /fellasleepduringepisode8/?
Literally episode 8 was worse than 7 and I thought having 6.5 rating for 7 was low enough, 8 is like 4 on the rating scale

>No one ever said Luke was the best pilot.
No one ever said Rey was either dipshit. She managed to NOT DIE thanks to the powers of team work and knowing the lay of the land.
> He gets that one shot on the death star cause he used the force.
>Hell in Empire his ship gets shot down during the battle of Hoth
After he does a bunch of dope shit. He then manages to kill an AT-AT with a sword.
>Yeah, some great pilot.
You're trying really hard here m8. He's a spoiled whiny teenager who grew up on a moisture farm that gets into a Starfighter, flies it into his first space battle and uses inexplicable space magic to destroy the enemy fortress.

Rey uses the Falcon to not die in the first act.

The only thing episode 8 had going for it was setting and scenery. Everything else was pure shit.
>no jedi
>im with the force the force is with me pseudodaoist bull
>worse looking lead actress wrinkles mcbucktooth
>No chewy
>Terrible pacing
>Too many plotholes
>cgi half the cast
>character depth of a board

>better backstory and character qualities for main chick


>"force tricks" and "jedi shit" that she has no idea exists
she clearly did have some idea it existed, what with her fucking doing it m8. We see her say she thought the Jedi and the Force were a myth, IMPLYING SHE'S HEARD FUCKING STORIES ABOUT THEM BEFORE.

I think turning water into wine is the stuff of myth. But if I had an extreme religious experience about my fate and how it's all real after I touched a christian religious artifact, I'd probably try to do some christian magic tricks.

Again, the entire inciting action of the film is that THE CHURCH OF THE FORCE gets attacked and BB-8 escapes to the nearest town, which is where Rey grew up. Are you being willfully dense just for arguments sake or are you really that bad at grasping basic context clues in a kids movie?

You have no opinion of your own?

>episode 8


you want me to do your Algebra homework too you fucking dunce?

How exactly was he spoiled? He was pretty much kept on the farm by his uncle while the rest of his friends left to either become Academy pilots or join the Rebellion. He had to do busy work and had to clean C3PO and R2-D2. Yeah he was whiny because he was stuck in a go nowhere place and dreamed doing more with his life. You would too if you were stuck on a moisture farm on a barely hospitable desert world that's mostly populated by criminals.

>Sup Forums finds this monstrosity attractive
i pity you


Everything would have been excusable in the current STRONK Zeitgeist, BUT her escaping on her own and beating a trained Sith is simply laughable.

Shes a Mary Sue of the new generation of "stronk" womyn who no need no man


Im not going to get into the whole "BYPASSING THE COMPRESSOR" thing, because that speaks for itself.

To be fair, she got instantly BTFO when she was in the forest

>How exactly was he spoiled?
It's his entire character. He's a wish fulfillment fantasy for George (heir to a furniture store empire) and more broadly for nerds in the 70's. He's had an easy life but is left unfulfilled, he wants adventure and greatness and to be the hero. Then everything conveniently falls into his lap and the entire movie is just Luke getting exactly what he wanted. He gets to rescue the princess AND destroy the fortress AND have secret magical powers.
>He was pretty much kept on the farm by his uncle while the rest of his friends left to either become Academy pilots or join the Rebellion.
Yeah. Anakin was a slave who never had any friends. Rey was an indentured servant who never had any friends. Luke was bummed about not being exempted from having to go to war.
>Yeah he was whiny because he was stuck in a go nowhere place and dreamed doing more with his life.
And wouldn't you know a convenient series of events and circumstances happened at him that let him achieve everything he wanted. Even if you want to make the argument that Luke wasn't spoiled getting to grow up in a secure and stable American Graffiti in space environment (particularly when considered relatively to every other Star Wars movie protagonist), the entire point of A New Hope is that he's being spoiled by the movie. He wants to be a hero and suddenly a grand magical conspiracy falls into his lap and all the characters function to move him through the narrative.

Rey didn't want none of that shit, but it's dropped in her lap anyway and her whole arc is about being forced into accepting the call to action. She is constantly running for her life and watching people die or getting fucked up or captured. For the first time in her life she starts developing friendships with Han and Finn then watches as they get killed and maimed because of the story happening at her.

At the end of A New Hope movie everyone has a big ceremony and they give Luke a medal.

>'I bypassed the bypass'
>Holds up spork
>Stares gormlessly at Han
>Ford tries desperately to do his best 'awed and respectful' face, but even he can't believe this shit and he looks like he's about to call cut

It was at this point I knew we were on a one way train to mary sue. Also her clambering around the deathstar, which apparently has no securiry cameras. Or staff.

>being this mad

Jyn was a better.

>BUT her escaping on her own
As opposed to Luke doing that at the beginning of Empire.
>and beating a trained Sith
NOT A SITH FAGGOT. He's an edgy Jedi school dropout that Columbined his class. He had also just been gutshot by a weapon with the stopping power to send Storm Troopers flying through the air. He was also trying to recruit her.
>Shes a Mary Sue of the new generation of "stronk" womyn who no need no man
You're an edgy faggot that gets triggered when a wish-fulfillment space fantasy series doesn't pander directly to your demo.
>Im not going to get into the whole "BYPASSING THE COMPRESSOR" thing, because that speaks for itself.
It actually does speak for itself. Dialogue between Rey and Han establish that Plutt put in a compressor when he got the Falcon that Rey says she was skeptical about and Han agreeing that it will probably cripple the hyper-drive. As they try to escape they realize the hyper-drive isn't working, the compressor is assumed to be the cause of the problem, so she "bypassed" it by ripping it out. It's actually a pretty good example of using plot-driven dialogue that provides exposition and characterization.

As for the BYPASSING THE COMPRESSOR meme, that also speaks for itself. It shows precisely how full of shit and/or really bad at watching movies the shitposters are. You're a know nothing shit parrot.

Anakin can jump out of a hover car and skydive for 30 seconds then somehow land on THE EXACT hover car he was looking for without breaking a sweat. Was also an engineering genius racecar driving slave baby.
>Not a Sue

Luke is a wish-fulfillment author insert in a Flash Gordon fan fiction that has everything he wanted in life handed to him by the movie and gets a medal at the end.
>Not a Sue

Rey doesn't die, is generally capable.

>should have kept Rey on the desert planet for half the movie
yeah because nothing is more compelling in an adventure movie than keeping the protagonist stuck at the start line for 50 minutes.
>have her build a longer story arc from there
explain what you think this means. Do you even mise en scene bro? What is visual storytelling? What is subtextual dialogue?

We learn everything we need to know about Rey almost immediately. We know she was stranded, we know she's been counting the days waiting for her family to come back. We know she lives a hard life as a scavenger, we know she is mechanically inclined, we know she makes a living working on spaceships, we know she is a good climber, we see that she is imaginative and still childish enough to keep dolls and wear helmets as a goof, we see that she isn't civilized, we see that she has already learned how to fight, we know she is put upon and exploited by her employer, we know she is lonely but also guarded and hesitant to trust anyone. We know she's compassionate and sympathetic and willing to sacrifice her own well-being to help a droid.

And that's all from her first 10 minutes of screen time before the plot really shows up. We learned everything we needed to know about the protagonist before they even had another character to have a dialogue with.

>focus on Finn & Poe for the first half
Are you seriously trying to say they should have The Phantom Menaced it all over again?


>hands Luke the lightsaber with the blade end of the weapon pointed towards him

you want it pointed at herself? if it turns on she's dead, Luke was at a safe distance.

you're retarded.

>Anakin can jump out of a hover car
He already had a decade of Force training by that point.
>engineering genius racecar driving slave baby
Hardly unbelievable. There wasn't much else to do for him on that planet other than tinker with Watto's junk.

she's better at everything

>learns jedi mind tricks out of nowhere
This one is hard to dispute, but could be hand waved

>out maneuvers first order pilots even though no prior piloting experience is hinted at
She literally says "I've flown before, but I've never left the planet." Not to mention she clearly knows the ins and outs of ships because she has spent her whole life scavenging shit from old ships

>hands Luke the lightsaber with the blade end of the weapon pointed towards him
In her defense, Luke immediately pointed that shit towards his face as soon as he was handed it in the original cut of ANH

>He already had a decade of Force training by that point.
doesn't make it less fucking retarded. It's the most ridiculous le confident fearless badass Mary Sue shit ever featured in a Star Wars movie.

Not to mention, the Emperor was killed by fucking falling. Anakin fell onto an object moving parallel with the ground, perpendicular to Anakin. He should have impacted the car with essentially the same velocity the Emperor would have hit the bottom of the shaft. Even by universe standards it was a fucking retarded.
Anakin fearlessly doing retarded "badass" inexplicable shit with a smile on his face, demolishing any suspension of disbelief or relatability is essentially the exact academic definition of the Mary Sue criticism.
>Hardly unbelievable.
Incredibly unbelievable. It was and will always be mocked for how dumb the Anakin shit was in TPM.
>There wasn't much else to do for him on that planet other than tinker with Watto's junk.

But yeah Rey is a Mary Sue and therefore a bad character because, in her constant evident struggle to survive and personal reluctant conflict over whether to accept the hero's call to action, she didn't get killed and thought to use a jedi mind trick immediately after Kylo inadvertently taught her how to do it.

Obi Wan rarely left his house. Luke was fairly tanned in Episode 4. Living in a desert and having two suns isn't indicative of anything. It would depend on how close the two suns were to the planet, the atmosphere of the planet and whether or not it could absorb the radiation well enough, and also the climate of the planet and its potential of rainfall (since the planet was a desert, it apparently rarely got any). There are such things as cold deserts, too.

The major difference between Rey and Anakin though was that everyone knew what Anakin would become and his potential with the force. That explains away any stupid shit he does because he was always expected to be the chosen one, and his "midi count" was far higher than any currently living Jedi.

Rey, on the other hand, has no story to her name, you don't know anything about her and yet she is capable of doing all of these things without proper training or any solid reasoning for it. It's bad storytelling more than anything.

She's meh like the other main characters. You think Luke was the best part of the OT? And did anyone like Anakin?
If they just made her the super cool sidekick to Finn and essentially the new han solo then everyone would love her. But nope, they got too greedy, made her a jedi and made the whole fucking story revolve around her. So now she's cursed to be the main character, while everyone else can be liked

And also, even by the end of Episode 1, Qui Gon still talks about him being the chosen one, so even in that movie, you have an idea of where Anakin will go, and it's not just based off everything knowing 4, 5 and 6.

No doubt Rey will get a ton of story in Episode 8 which will explain her situation, but then you have to think about the previous point; none of this was told to anyone in Episode 7. She is just a mystery bullshit character that does everything with no explanation as to why.

Is she also better at.