Are Iranians white?
Are Iranians white?
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Iranian shooting spree in Munich disproves that notion.
Don't be this retarded, please
It literally means Aryan. Dumb Krauts. Lol.
They have varying percentages of White blood. R1A.
Mongols and Arabs ruined them though.
Another thing Arabs ruined
Zoroastrian Iran was White.
Then the Arabs, Mongols and Timurids happened.
There are some Persians who are white though, but most of them live in the West now. Freddie Mercury was ethnically Persian, for example. Iran is pretty much Mudslime-tier these days.
Before Islam, yes. Kurds are the original Iranians. Modern Iranians are Arab rapebabies due to the Islamic conquests.
Well, they were, until they were flooded with immigrants.
Actually they were slaves, until we "aryanized" them.
They can be but Islam disqualifies you from being White