turns out it was white peoples fault anyway
Leftist logic
>Islam isn't responsible for terrorism
Daaaammmmmnnnnnn that niggaaa woke
What website? Lmfao
>let's use the tragedy of dozens of people being slaughtered as an opportunity to push our progressive agenda!
every single time
>right wing parties holding public office is more dangerous than literal terrorists slaughtering innocent people
It's the usual faggots on neofag.
so a bunch of beta faggots?
Come on, just fucking ignore them.
Am I on Sup Forums?
>periodic shootings of unarmed black men by police represent a systemic problem of racism within police forces
>periodic terrorist attacks carried out by Islamist radicals do not indicate any systemic problem with Islam in general
I eagerly await their meltdown in Nov.
[vomitting intensifies]
Neogaf is Salon tier. Fuck them...
>Hurr Occam's Razor is stupid here is my mental gymnastics instead
Liberals everytime.
WTF I hate white people now
A videogame sit? Am I missing something here
Ostensibly, it is a videogame site. In reality, it is a faaaaar left SJW echo chamber where expressing any opinion other than their approved list of opinions will get you permanently banned.
>a concerted effort by the government to force diversity in media
Jesus christ
Just fuck my bill of rights up senpai
You know you've got one of these crazies on the run when they spew out 's..s.. socioeconomics!'
It's like the magical little word that makes the bad wrongthink go away
>what it should mean to be a man according to random leftist
>a human being with empathy, introspection, morals, non-white
You can't even parody these people anymore, the are doing that themselves.
How is this line of thinking anything but racist
Told one of my co-workers how I feel about Mudslimes today. "Fuck them. I want Trump elected so he can ban them from entering our country." He told me that I'm a racist and a shitty person for hating the first amendment and stormed away from me.
Leftists are retarded, OP.
is neogaf like lefty pol or something?
You lying piece of SHIT
Actually seems worse
So how is the clogged toilet business doing these days ?
Apparently he never watched either of the first two predator movies.