This kills the joke

This kills the joke

Didn't think one of the three other current RLM threads was enough?





what was the point in re-uploading a segment of a video that's 4 months old?


Ad revenue

They've made highlight videos in the past for certain bits in their videos that go over really well. Plus they're promoting their commentary track.


>"Daisy Ridley is charasmatic, at least"
>cut to a clip of Rey saying it'll work, she hopes

RLM really showed that sometimes they are fucking retards.



Plinkett review when?

They are still angry at all the nerds that disagreed with their Rogue One review?

THey're not though. Not understanding this may be a sign of autism.

Are you retarded? Why do you insist on blindly defending them?

>i-i-i-i swear they're not guise
neck urself famlam

The made 2 videos and started a new serie because of that.

Why do you insist on forming the narrative that RLM are angry at the response to their Rogue One review when they're clearly not?

They were right to shit on R1. It's just some people don't get why they like TFA.

>new serie
You mean Nerd Crew? You realize that series isn't actually about Star Wars right?

>I don't understand why these people that are famous for extensively talking about Star Wars keep making videos where they extensively talk about Star Wars

Anybody who likes star wars needs to be shot.

I'm a butthurt Star Wars nerd, that's why.

But it's not even 3 minutes long and has no mid-roll ads

And? There are still ads on the video.

Oh No? What movies are they talking about in the serie?

I mean, are nerds still angry they shat on Rogue One?

Star Wars is shit though.

It's a satire of nerd culture podcasts like Collider. Yes they are literally talking about Star Wars. And Marvel. And DC. But actually discussing those franchises is not what the videos are about, you dumb shit.

So it's a parody of nerds that like capeshit and STAR WARS. And it started right after nerds disagreed with their Rogue one Review...must be a concidence and totally not star wars related.

The actual video of this kid is very underwhelming

It started with Star Wars because every one of those retarded podcasts was talking endlessly about Star Wars. Why is this so important to you? Are you really this butthurt that RLM didn't validate your opinion about Rogue One?

"You know who I hate, Star Wars fans, get a life dipshits" - Eric Harris

I'm just really tired of that joke and except for the kino loot crate unboxing, the nerd crew videos are fucking boring. I just wish they would move on.
Why it is so important to you?

And actually, i just found Rogue One ok, just a little better than TFA but that's no saying much and i'm definitely not defending it. It was an unnecessary and pointless movie.

youtube ca$h





>I'm just really tired of that joke
Then maybe don't watch those videos?

>Why it is so important to you?
It's not. But you're very clearly butthurt and it's hilarious.

Like talking to a 11 years old. I'm out.

Sorry i said something bad about your virtual friends.


>claims to hate something but continues to watch it so he can continue to talk about how much he hates it
>calls someone else childish
So mad.

>they make $17 000 per month on patreon
>thats $204 000 a year
>divide that amongst Mike, Rich and Jay
>that's $68 000 per year each
>however some of that needs to go to rent for their studio and props and such
>so $17 000 per month
>divided by 3 is $5660 a month each
>so let's assume they each have to pay $800 each for studio costs/props
>that would be $2100 they pay a month for that
>that's $4800 each they're pocketing
>that doesn't include merchandise that they sell on their channel and ad revenue on their youtube videos

Wtf they're fucking loaded.

Why do you fucking faggots get so obsessed with how much money they make? What difference does it make in your life?

~60k is a decent amount of money for making youtube videos, but it isn't THAT much. Keep in mind ad revenue nowadays pays jack shit.

Pretty sure this was an adult woman

>claims to hate something but continues to watch it so he can continue to talk about how much he hates it

You just described RLM

Underrated post