Based black trump supporter obliterates CNN interviewer

CNN Reporter "But white supremacists support Trump!"

Is this all they have on Trump? Every time they try to stump him they go straight to "He's racist!" or "Racists support him!"

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he speaks the troof

That was a good watch. Where'd this air?

that reporter was so fucking uncomfortable

Look at his nose. Fucking kike.

>mfw a jew gets BTFO

Of course he is.

>Ahh yes, one of those stupid blacks, I can interview him and ask him how he feels about trump's racism
>oh shit, he has a MAGA hat fuck what do I do
>Ask him questions about Trump's racism anyway surely these powerful questions will really make him think
>uhh he's not behaving like the other niggers I interview, what the fuck is going on b-b-but trump is racist why do you support him!

Racist liberals like that CNN reporter have no idea what to do when a black man is based and isn't on their slave plantation.

Haven't seen a jew run so fast since the 40s

great video, have a bump