Undoubtedly makes you do a cognitive analysis

Undoubtedly makes you do a cognitive analysis

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False equivalency


wtf I hate self preservation now

How to write a political comic:
1. Strawman your political adversary
2. Make your political adversary ugly and unreasonable
3. Make your position out to be reasonable via a likeable character being annoyed by the aforementioned ugly, unreasonable character
4. Sign your name to the fallacious abomination of a commentary you have just made

white lives matter

All panels should say #allcancersmatter

All political cartoonists aside from Ben Garrison need to be put into labor camps

huh really makes me think


Except it's true. Certain white people are raised in a culture where they always have to be the center of attention.

>False equivalency

>look at how angry I am
>drop cement blocks of police officers heads and engage in monthly mass killings

Oh, wait.

"Blacks have it so hard"

This guy gets it

I hope all niggers die.

>it's like going to a cancer find and saying that AIDS matters too

It's more like having cancer and a light fever and focusing on the fever

Sup Forums constantly makes comics like this anyway. So?

came here to post exactly this

>cancer awareness that uses the popularity of naked breasts to get more money than cancers that kill more people
fuck you. funnel that money into prostate cancer and heart disease you selfish assholes. you can chop off your tits no problem.

>completely missing the irony: the pic

Certain [insert race here] have been raised in a culture to believe they are the center of attention.


you are the barbarian of english.

No, but your flag does.

What the fuck user. That Webm fucked me up.


disgusting bigot

I don't really understand what the last two are even trying at, but the second one is like yelling "BREAST CANCER MATTERS" at somebody with a different, equally dangerous cancer. And also refusing to get treatment and blaming the guy with the other cancer for your debilitating state.


Except a conservative's ideology is literally made to support that kind of thought train.

>There is a "real" america
>We have to take it back
>individualism is key
>we have to be like the 1950s where white people had it best
>we always have to be on top

It's the original spelling ironically.

It's like organise vs organize. The 'z' instead of 's' is an Americanization.

>>we always have to be on top
who would you trust more to govern the world? [serious]
This post is marked serious. As in you are seriously retarded if you think some nigger country or retarded blue blood country could do half as well as God's country.





>DAE Le white men are evil!!

I've always taken issue with the breast cancer awareness campaigns. Firstly, so many companies just buy some pink paint, claim to donate and give a small fraction of their sales to reputable causes. Secondly, the only reason it gets as much press as it does is because of the emotional attachment so many people have to breasts. Heart disease is the number one killer of women, anyway.

Cancer is cancer.


Why would i trust a tunneled group of people with a sense of narcissism to run a country? Hitler ran his country to the ground thinking his aryan genes made him impervious to snow.

Diversity and different perspectives objectivley gives you better deliberation and culture.

not an argument



Pretty much

I agree with the breast cancer one. Why are we funneling money into research to fight specifically breast cancer? What about all the other kinds of cancer? Breast cancer isn't even that bad. Men are less likely to get it and it's easier to remove surgically since breasts are somewhat external and non-vital to survival.

Breast cancer already has plenty of awareness. Give some awareness to the other kinds of cancer.

not watching that shit

>All lives matter
Police brutality has no racial bounds. There have been plenty of outright police brutality documented on whites, but has never gained public attention because you know why. All lives matter is a valid and serious point and addresses that police brutality should be acknowledged stopped for all demographics and not just for one.

>All cancers matter
Breast cancer has a relatively low death rate compared to other cancers, yet this particular cancer awareness is shoved in our faces constantly. What about prostate cancer or brain cancer? They are just as much as a problem, if not more, compared to breast cancer. I don't get it. Perhaps it's because it mainly affects women and a larger audience.

>All words matter
False analogy.

>All mammals matter
i don't really care about this one 2bh

applying BLM logic

cancer kills people of all races
only protest black people killed by cancer
get butthurt when it is pointed out all peoples get cancer

>every whorsey comic ever.

There was a harvard study that came out like 2 weeks ago that said otherwise about police brutality. Although people get shot at the same rate(sometimes even more so white people) the overall amount of gun violence is very low(like 500 shootings out of 1.6 million). Phsycial violence, however, has shown to be astronimically higher towards black people, which is the main issue with BLM and police brutality.

Here's the study


>lol then you admit blacks are significantly different then whites

I don't get this.

Is this like a "Ha ha I was only trolling! I tricked you ha ha!"

Well, they do tho.

In my observations black people tend to not comply, struggle, or just straight up fight back (I live in Southern NJ, lot of blacks in my area). Is it really bias, or is it reaction?


its a common trope that tards use in comics when they dont have an argument they just present the other side as emotionally unstable or drawn in some other derogatory way and well, obviously THAT guy is wrong just look at him

Black people come from a culture that has a history of police violence though. The civil rights act was only signed in 1964. People today have grandmas that lived through segregated water fountains. If i had to choose between who started what, i'd be hard pressed to think cops have always been angels towards people of color. Having a defensive attitude towards police may be inappropriate now, but it wasnt back then.

The best part is that it's actually not false equivalency.

Breast cancer is only noteworthy because it's common, and has a relatively low mortality rate of 10% or so, compared to shit like Gallbladder that ranks at 95%+ over five years. Research agencies have even objected to how "breast cancer awareness" siphons resources away from the development of new treatments when everybody fucking knows already.

Safewords exist for a reason. 'No means no' disregards the context, body language, and psychology that make up most of our communication. Literally autism.

If a tenth of the resources spent on saving whales or pandas was spent elsewhere, we could be saving tens of thousands of species that just didn't rank high enough on the feels chart for dumb liberals to care.

Give me a break. It's not defensive attitude, it's offensive attitude.

>muh oppression
I had great grandfather's that lived under Ottoman rule. I have grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, etc that experienced violence by Slavs. Does that mean I act "defensive" against Slavs? No, that's retarded.