Where were you when these two careers ended?

Where were you when these two careers ended?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yet another thread where late night comedians have triggered Drumpfkins. Yawn.


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>libs keeping out blacks from your school


who and who? these people must be nobodies, who cares




>unironic snopes

ayyyy lmao

>However, as this proposed plan involved moving the school next to a housing project and adding a more diverse group of students to the school, some critics characterized the plan’s opponents as classist or racist.
>Although ethnicity and financial status were both issues in the debate, it is false to say that the Comedy Central star was fighting at any point to “keep black kids out of his children’s school.”

>"Well if she says she's not a racist obviously there are no racist motives in her actions"

snopes has been a blog by a guy about funny internet myths. When did this political bullshit infest it so badly? Was it the scientology stuff that got it more political.


It's probably just mission creep to justify itself, since there's not really that many more myths/misconceptions/hoaxes etc getting invented each year.

Like how Mythbusters went from busting actual urban legends to general queries like "can you shoot a gun in outer space?"


>it's a sjw gets eaten alive by their own monster episode

These are my favorite.

None of these rich, liberal people would be explicit about not wanting their kids school to be in a predominately black area, so of course they're going to name off other reasons. I don't really care enough about this to scrutinize that though.


>make more per episode than op does all year

jelly & toast
jelly & toast son

uhh is this true?
can we get a snopes fact check?


>snopes: absolutely this is not true my wife is a lying cunt

portraying opposition as classist or racist is literally how sam bee is making her money right now

fake news.