Are white hispanics counted in the "60% white" meme?

Are white hispanics counted in the "60% white" meme?

Pic unrelated

People with 10% native DNA can usually pass for European without serious scrutiny. So yeah, a lot of them.

The confusing part is that the upper class Mexicans can be nearly 100% Spanish, while the poor mexicans look like short fat forest gnomes, so hispanic is just an incoherent category.

I'd guess 5% of that 60% has some hispanic in them. I'm Irish/slovene, my kids are 3% native, and they are as ghost white as myself.


look it up at you fucking idiot

No, and Britshits need to stop posting those stupid most wanted lists released in liberal states to cover up hispanic crime rates

So why do the retards here think america is 60% white when they forget about non injun Hispanics

>Non-injun hispanics

Lmao no such thing. Fucking mexicans pretending they're white. Fuck off you spic, nobody wants you.

Exaggerating for the sake of a good meme. The actual number is around 68-70%

Hispanic is not a race

If you think Spaniards should be lumped with Mestizos then you are anti white faggot who is shitting on the colonist

Do you know what a spaniard is?

You realize the beaners are brown cause they are indians, not cause they are of Spanish descent. You're a stupid nigger

Hispanic is an American term mostly.

Mexico and other Latin American nations generally use the old Spanish castes to classify races, such as Criollo, Castizo, Mestizo, Indio, etc.

>Mexican pretending he is Spanish

I've seen this 5000 times. You aren't Spanish, you're Mexican, get over it.

Not what I meant. You know how British posters will try to claim that the US is basically Brazil by showing Californian mugshot collections where Indios and Mestizos are listed as "white" for damage control? Yeah, those.

''''Hispanic''''', latino, Mexican are not a race. Not even mestizos look the same.

yes, america is probably 40% white now

if you look at it from the state level it will reveal itself, especially in blue states

t. Marylander

Spaniards don't exist cause why?

Give me a legit argument
Latino is a better term for that

that guy is white as fuck though

Then call them indios or mestizos, not Hispanic


I look white as fuck and I am half Cuban.
My Cuban ancestors are from Spain, and my other half is all German.

So I'm a "white Hispanic"

I think you have to judge it on a case by case basis. The term "Hispanic" applies to too many different ethnicities

Pedro isn't white.

No, he was closer. Per 2015 estimates, it's 62.1%

Is "Hispanic" basically the American version of "Mestizo"?

>be white
>born in south america
>speaks spanish
>get labelel "european"

>Be brown
>born in south america
>speak spanish
>get labelel "latino" or "hispanic"

Sudenly my identity changes because of my skin color, and that is not racism?

Get fucked brah, I'm uruguayan, nobody Is going to tell me how I should identify myself.

Where do you think Spain is located?

nobody uses those terms over here, that is bullshit.

Nobody see a brown uruguayan and say, "hey mestizo" or "hey mulato" or "hey european descent"

We are all members of the same society and we live under the same laws and under the same traditions and culture.

It's sad you can't say the same for yourself.

How does it feel living in a country with so many divisions among the population?

fuck you taconigger

No we don't.
Except we don't call them by their race, we call them by their nationality. Especially if you are Bolivian.

That is what I said. are you retarded hue bro?

Have you ever been to the South of Spain you ignorant fuck? They are literally arabs and niggers there.

Nobody uses this term outside of the USA. It was literally made up by the US census bureau in 1970. Look it up.

You are either white or or not. (One drop rule) There is nothing in between. If you have one drop of native blood you are Castizo.

The real "Hispanics" (people from Spain) are white. Most Mexicans in the USA are mestizos.

No, including white hispanics ads another 25 million whites (about 8 percent)

jessica alba is a castiza and so is eva longoria (though she looks mestiza)

lot of countries outside of the US do not even use the one drop rule.

(I have my ancestor journals, he paid 2000 dollars for a quadroon. and then had 12 kids with her. Damn dirty bastard. (Had 18 more with his two wives, with 30 kids total)

>Gonzalo surname

just because you bleach your hair doesn't make you Germanic Pedro

Let me guess

You think Spain is in south america cause you are a retard

No I think Gonzalo isn't a Germanic surname learn to read disphit

By the one drop rule, very little americans are white.
Most americans have some african american and amerindian admixture. less than 1% black and around 4% amerindian.