Holy shit
Drumpf BTFO
wtf i hate trump now
WTF i hate trump now
guess im a #JebMissle now
wtf i hate citations now
Doesn't that prove the crooked Hillary meme even more though?
Memes aside. This is going to be a HUGE weapon against Trump in the debates.
Guess I'm #VOTEUKIP now.
>if you talk negatively about my daddy Trump you're a shill
fuck outta here child
wtf i hate trump now
>trump rips people off
>hillary causes civil war and lets americans get killed
>hillary commits fraud on tv but has so much influence that she doesn't get in trouble
About time you joined us, friend.
S-she was only invwstigated six times!
oh well maybe another thread will feature sufficient bait
>1 post by this ID
I guess we should call her "criminal Hillary" instead.
That's a really bad pic for Hillary. You know that, right? People just saw the FBI explain why she did all sorts of stuff that would get other people in trouble but that she's gonna get away with it. Don't you think that "zero times found guilty" is gonna rub people the wrong way?
Far from me to tell you how to do your job though.
Trump and the Republican's nonsense is upfront and center.
With Hillary and the Dems you have to actually pay attention and investigate to an extent.
She'll need to cherry pick the most crooked ones and weaponize it by memes though.
Numbers don't win political arguments.
wtf i hate text now
Not too much. Hillary having positions of power has had many favors for who she is, Loretta Lynch being the latest example.
To my knowledge, no one has directly died from Trump's lacking attention to any matter like Shillary's Bengazi.
>Liberals don't understand the difference between Civil Courts and Criminal Courts
it is already over
Wow. Trump has been under an FBI investigation zero times?! Guess #ImWithHer now. Thanks for helping me think about this user.
has trump ever been accused of murder and treason tho?
>Sup Forums will defend this
Youre right. #imwithher or whatever the hashtag is.
Wow wtf I hate trump now. I'm a #dukemissile now
Ahahah, you didn't think this through, did you?
Go back to your Shillary 101 course before you post other self damaging stuff.
why try harder?