>fant4stic tier bomb
>available digitally just 2 and a half months after theatrical release
>blu-ray a week after that
>ranger autists talking about the sequel like there's a chance in hell
Fant4stic tier bomb
>movie had no martial arts
>don't even see the megazorg form
>the studio thought this would make money somehow
Shame cause I was secretly hoping it wouldn't be shit
Never underestimate the power of high Jew Saban
All of the designs in general were shit.
>the first great blockbuster of the year
what were those Jews who though this was a good idea smoking and were can I get some?
I could tell it was going to be grade A shit from the trailer
Eh the rangers looked bad, sure, but whatever it's the CURRENT YEAR and maybe our specific tastes don't focus test well with the younger crowd.
My arguments lie solely on the things the franchise is KNOWN for - the Megazord looked like aids nor did we see it form, there was almost NO MARTIAL ARTS at all in the movie, and I don't understand why they had Rita go through Phase 1 when her second phase was almost 10/10 entertaining.
Backstories for everybody was alright except Zordon which sucked, Alpha kind of blew, the humor was decent... But I mean how the fuck do you have a movie about Power Rangers with no martial arts?
They missed the rest of that sentence
>The first great blockbuster of the year... is not this movie holy shit it sucks dick