Americans & Take Out Food

I know this will offend many, so please skip this thread if you are incapable of taking some criticism.

But, what the fuck is wrong with the people in this country? Why are people so lazy that they can't cook and must get take out breakfast/lunch/dinner? You know how much money you are wasting doing this, right?

Learn to cook. You are literally a cuck putting someone elses food in your mouth, and not food that you made yourself.

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it's called FREEDOM you auchwitz munchkin.

>tfw I will never be this free

what's wrong with getting take out every once in a while?

1.5/10 troll post

I eat 1 meal a day and I usually get take out of some sort because it's delicious and I dont want to do dishes

I love cooking but when yo uare a wagecuck, time is of the essence.

>pic related best schwarma you will ever have

i prefer cooking at home. cheaper, healthier and tastier


This is my buffalo chicken strips with a special horseradish dip I made.

I wouldn't go outside either s african guy.

That picture you posted looks like literally none of those things.