>Works 9-5 with minimum wage, easily replacable worker >"Man i get payed nothing for working hard while the boss gets everything"
>Football player who is the key to the club, unique and brings the profit gets paid in millions >"Hurr, why does he get so much money? he dosen't even do anything"
It`s envy. Ignore the losers and move on- they aren`t worth your time.
Jaxson Davis
All athletes,actors,musicians are overpaid. Mostly athletes though. All they do is kick balls into nets,shoot ball into net,tackle each other for a ball, or hit a ball with a bat, and they get paid 100 million dollars for that? Teachers and fireman are more valuable than they are.
Joshua Perry
It's not so much about what they do, but more about how actual important jobs like teachers,firemen,doctors,scientists, engineers, get paid pennies compared to someone kicking a ball into a net, and pretending to get hurt all of the time.
Carter Richardson
I am a huge football nerd to the extent I'm almost ashamed of it. I love the sport. Football players are still shamelessly overpaid, and it would probably create a much better playing environment if there was less money in circulation going directly to the players.
At least they could lower the price a bit on tickets most places to allow more people to come see the games. Make the bread and circus more effective.
Justin Wood
No what they do is, entertain millions of people. They even create jobs since they need staff arround them, etc. etc. Quit being dense
Hunter Roberts
I agree with you. But the thing is that they bring billions into their club, why wouldnt they be compesated properly?
Wyatt Allen
Not enough t justify 100 million dollar plus contracts. The best of the best "football" players should only make at best A million dollars per year. The lower level ones a couple hundred thousand.
Ian Perez
How did you determine those numbers? Is it by the profit they bring in? Or do you have some other objective system that determines how valuable a person is to a business?