Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, is Amanda Knox guilty or innocent of the murder of Meredith Kercher?
Foxy Knoxy thread
whatever she did or didn't do a cute girl like that do not deserve to be in jail
I'd give her a free pass. She's hot.
No, that African killed her. She may have been involved in some other shady shit though which was why she was acting so weird.
burn the coal, pay the tool
she got it comming, from the nigger or from the psycho bitch
white boi who got cucked is the only victim here
It would be "not guilty," not "innocent."
I don't know, but it's very obvious that she feels no pity for the victim anyway, and that she's somehow made herself a comfy career out of the case, so fuck her
She's only guilty of stealing my heart.
Innocent, she is only guilty of being v qt
>white boi who got cucked is the only victim here
Stop playing the victim, user
>feels no pity for the victim
>the two guys went in the room
>she started screaming
>i covered my ears
itt butthurt italians
>they killed her and she screamed, b-b-but...
>i dont remember anything
HOW THE FUCK can you not remember the night your "best friend" got murdered?? I'm pretty sure it would stick in your fucking head.
t. guy who has a crush on this psycho
Who's Foxy Knoxy?
Who's Meredith Kercher?
What movie is this?
no i just hate wops and like making them angry
>trusting Italians to do their job
Yeah, don't think so
Regardless of whether or not she did it the Italian legal system is garbage and she deserved to be released.
I think even if she did do it we should let her go anyway :3
It's an Italian detectives come up with a theory and refuse to budge despite all the evidence episode.
Essentially, they find the girl dead and partially undressed in a room full of blood, with fingerprints, handprints, and footprints all over the place. A window in another room is broken, and a few items are missing. The break in looks iffy to them for one reason or another, and her flatmate is acting a bit strangely, so they decide she did it. Off the back of that they interrogate her for four days straight with no lawyer and no sleep, and she makes a statement implicating herself (and a local bar owner), and they find a knife that looks about right in the boyfriend's flat, so they think the job's done.
The problem is that all of the DNA and forensic evidence points to a local negro of no fixed abode with a criminal record for breaking and entering, there's no DNA evidence on the 'murder weapon', the only proof they have of the boyfriend being there is a miniscule trace on a bra clasp, and there is zero forensic evidence that links either of them to the scene beyond that.
The melanin-enhanced individual goes to trial and is swiftly found guilty (because of the mountain of evidence), and claims a masked man broke in while he was in the house and did it to frame him. This doesn't stop the detectives and prosecutors from sticking with their original theory and bringing Knox and Sollecito to trial as well, based on a completely different series of events from the ones which the dindu was found guilty for. Because the Italian judicial system is bonkers and allows prosecutorial appeals, the case goes back and forth for years before it is finally dismissed. Everybody gets a book deal.
She's a killer and a sociopath. Unpredictable. She'd have to be fully restrained to be fucked safely, then cleaned by a professional before the next fucking.
>Americans are defending her
Pretty much this. This case perfectly illustrates why we have the "double jeopardy" rule in he US Constitution, to avoid exactly this sort of thing.
Until a wop stabs you for acting like a jerkoff, then you'll be crying for dear mommy
that would just prove what uncivilised niggers italians are. gj giorgio
Right, because Americans prefer to draw their guns which is more civilised, nice try John Wayne
Honestly my main takeaway from this documentary is that European forensics is like 20+ years behind America. Unbelievable.
So, who murdered Kercher and why?
For 500 points: In which movie did Christopher Walken say.. "Yer fuckin wop!"?
having the ability to defend myself against a knife-wielding greaseball dago is pretty civilised, yeah
The two black dudes. Amanda was in the kitchen listening, she said it herslef, but later claimed she couldn't remembetr.
That's what Amerikansky wants you to believe. Even though the U.S. education system is below average
you forgot about how they used her meager knowledge of the italian language to help get them their incriminating statement
Forensics was there, the Italian detective had an such an ego he idolised himself to sherlock holmes. Once he had the idea that knox was responsible thats the way the case was driven.
Fuck off Yank, go shoot some beer cans in your backyard or something
>greaseball dago
says the fat American basement dweller
Not guilty, obviously.
watch the documentary, its even on netflix pleb
So she witnessed the murder? Why did she claim she couldn't remember it happening?
ok? sounds more civilised than stabbing someone
Is this you?
your spaghetti's getting cold, luigi. get off the computer
how much is CNN paying you fatass?
not as much as your local mafia boss
>ameritard coalburner and her cuck boyfriend murder a paki with the african bull, as per american tradition
It was Amanda "Going Lechter on Meredith Kercher" Knox and we all know it, we just don't give a fuck
Funny thing is, I'm not even Italian. Just because you like jerking off to her pictures every night doesn't mean she's innocent
look how mad italians get when you say anything about them. just look
Just jealous of your wonderful, progressive culture, mio caro
Just look how mad Americans get if you accuse one of their people of murder.
You're probably the same fools who still claim you didn't lose Vietnam
I'm British and I wrote , it's pretty clear she didn't do it.
It's not just double jeopardy. In countries that follow British legal precedent (like the UK or US) the police and the prosecutor are separate entities. While they might work together to some extent and advise each other, the job of the police is to collect evidence, and the job of the prosecutor is to take it forward to trial. Police have to present a complete picture and a sufficiently compelling body of evidence before prosecutors will proceed. In Italy the lead investigator and the prosecutor are essentially one and the same. This means that they have a vested interest in following their theory, and tend to overlook or ignore evidence to the contrary. In the UK the case would have never gone to trial as the CPS would have thrown it out.
The nigger who left DNA and fingerprint evidence all over the scene and fled the country the day after the murder.
You forgot the part where the negro in question literally din du nuffin except partaking in the interracial orgy in accordance with american laws and customs, but hey it's not like anybody is giving a fuck for a dead paki, a cuck and a nigger in jail and one less ameritard out of my fucking country.
And by the way, do you remember the american tourist who got culturally enriched in Florence after picking up a negro in a club last year?
Can't really help with that eh, what, not enough black Mandingoes in the US and A?
you sure are mad for someone who cares so little. did knox use her witch powers to put a spell on you?
American tourists are dumb, the only thing they're after are drinks, drugs and getting laid. They don't give a fuck about culture. They always think by telling people they're Americans they'all somehow get laid easier. Pathetic really
Like i said, stay in your (58%white) country if you want to fuck niggers and getting killed/in jail in the process.
Niggers here are exclusively to pick up pummarole and fruits for our mafia benefactors
>they'all somehow get laid easier.
If you're even semi-handsome, that does work.
>implying I'm American
The Italian judicial system is a total joke, and you know it.
So is the American justice system
Who is this
pls be bait
I know OP says her name is Amanda Knox, but I've never seen any movies she was in. Is she on tv?
Amanda Knox, former murder suspect in the Meredith Kercher case
> Sensible individuals: She's either the killer or an accessory to murder, 100% witness though
> American basement dwellers: OMG she's sooo cute and hot and American. She must be innocent! Italians are horrible people!
Yeah but the fact that she's potentially a killer just makes her hotter desu.
So she's not an actress?
Why is she being posted on Sup Forums?
>Sensible individuals: She's either the killer or an accessory to murder
>don't ask me or the italian authorities to prove it though. lol
You're just mad no girl this pretty would ever talk to you. Not her fault you're a pathetic virgin. Don't take out your anger and frustration on her.
Because there's a documentary on Netflix about Amanda Knox and the Kercher murder case
You are such a moron have you even watched any of the documentaries? Or even read this thread with the british guy laying things out simply for you?
I'll take this over the eight or so Colbert threads clogging up the catalog.
t. American basement dweller
Don't pretend to be a Chad
Meant for
>So is the American justice system
Did you even read the post you were replying to?
American logic
> If something cannot be proven, they're automatically innocent. God bless America and our amazing justice system
>burn the coal
Her boyfriend was Italian. You fell for the lies of the corrupt Italian prosecutor that accused her of having "satanic orgies".
Well she certainly looks like she enjoys kinky orgies, maybe that's why the neckbeards love her so much
it's called presumption of innocence. if you can't prove guilt, you can't convict or punish. deal with it
>if you can't prove guilt, you can't convict or punish
Course you can
What neckbeards? And how can you tell by looks someones sexual festish? Seems like you are full of assumptions
It means she's found innocent by a court of law. Doesn't mean she wasn't a witness or didn't assist in stabbing Meredith to death
>those ice cold eyes
yeah, guilty as charged
so prove it. otherwise it's just your opinion
>she certainly looks like she enjoys
>it's very obvious that she feels no pity for the victim
Great. A board full of social retards pretending to be experts on body language. Did you get your "expertise" by watching Hollywood cop shows made for baby boomers?
Neckbearded basement dwellers usually harbor kinky and odd fetishes, projecting it onto others is one reason for ostracizing, along with lack of personal hygiene. Same goes for girls, usually the ones that are a bit odd, goth, emo, slightly psycho like Knox harbour dark fantasies. Even though it could never be used as evidence in a court of law. Kind of makes the orgy theory plausible. The Italians were just fools for trying to use it as admissible evidence
Innocent and Not Guilty ae two different things
No, it's called going outside and interacting with people you basement dweller
>You'll never cum inside of Mandy while she tells you the details of how she slowly murdered someone.
feels bad.
>Meredith Susanna Cara Kercher (28 December 1985 – 1 November 2007) was a British student on exchange from the University of Leeds
Bloody yanks
Damn those quads are wasted on something completely fabricated by some pseudo-intellectual who thinks they understand every intricacy of the human psyche enough to project images of who they are by their post, or the sexual fetishes by their looks and behavior.
t. triggered neckbeard
There he goes again
Who took the picture?
It's called social interaction you know?
Even worse. You are just making shit up as you go along. That's why American courts work on hard evidence. Not the feelings of nobodies on the internet. Unfortunately, Italy's corrupt system was of a different opinion.
But you're talking about the legal system. There are plenty of people who commit crimes and aren't found to be guilty, but that doesn't mean the legal system has failed. It means the prosecution has failed in securing evidence sufficient to show a person's guilty. The Italian police failed to properly secure the crime scene and didn't take the necessary means to avoid contamination.
Na its called talking out your ass, i bet you walk down the street thinking you know everything about each person you pass just by looking at them