>Won the election in a landslide 306 to 232
>Republicans won the house majority
>Republicans won the senate majority
>Approx. 30 executive orders so far, more than any president in the first 100 days.
>Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipeline were both approved (great for energy independence and American jobs)
>Promised to cut funding to sanctuary cities
>Hired thousands more border and immigration agents, toughening immigration enforcement
>Got rid of the “catch and release” illegal immigrant rule that Obama had
>Fulfilled promise of a 5 year-ban on officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government, and a lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.
>Decreasing regulation: signed executive order instructing agencies that whenever they introduce a regulation, they must first abolish two others
>Exposed the migrant issue in Sweden and Europe.
>A 298,000 net job increase in February (in contrast to the 135k estimate)
>The official unemployment rate decreased to a new low of 4.7 percent
>Ford, Intel, Walmart, Sprint, Charter Communications, Carrier, and DOZENS of other companies invested more than $150B into America and a combined 400,000 American jobs over next few years
>Signed a resolution encouraging women in entrepreneurship
>Since November 8th, the Stock Market has posted $3.2 trillion in GAINS and hit 24 CONSECUTIVE record highs – it has never been this high in history, ever!
>Consumer confidence is at a 15 year high.
>Delivered Joint Session to congress – “Best presidential moment in history” – Van Jones
>CEO's most optimistic since 2009.
>Tax cuts coming soon
>Healthcare is coming along, republicans and democrats are compromising on solutions.
>Signed an executive order on energy independence.
>American Manufacturing Survey Showing Highest Level of Optimism in 20 Years with a 35% increase from the past highest level

>Was right about surveillance by Obama administration- Susan Rice unmasking story, FISA warrant granted to Obama based off of the fake and debunked “Russian dossier” from Buzzfeed
>Airstrike at Syrian base which shot the chemical weapons, to teach the world our values and punish those who violate international law.
>Supreme court judge Neil Gorsuch approved, despite the UNJUSTIFIED filibuster (100% of democrats accepted Gorsuch in 2006, he has an incredible background with immense experience and knowledge). Approving a SCOTUS has never happened within the first 100 days of any President!
>In response to Trump, China returns North Korean coal shipments, AND buys coal from the US instead!
>263K jobs added in month of March - up from 180k expectation.
>Signed the Buy American Hire American executive order.
>Signed the Veterans Choice Program Extension and Improvement Act – more VA help coming soon
>Welcomed US citizen back to US after being in jail in Egypt for 3 years- shortly following President Trumps meeting with Egypt President, where he told him to bring her back to the US – Obama failed to bring her home
>Exports are a 2 year high.
>Home builder confidence at a record high
>Sanctioned Iran for their missile use
>National association of manufacturers highest confidence in 15 years.
>Regulation cuts are saving taxpayers $17-19 billion annually (Wall Street Journal).
>Already deported thousands of illegal immigrants with serious criminal records.
>Illegal border crossings are down 64% - A 17 year low!!!!!!!
>Afghanistan bomb took out tunnels and killed 36 ISIS members - 0 civilians.
>Is donating 100% of his presidential salary
>70% of Americans say that the Democratic party is out of touch with America
>97% of voters say that they still support their vote for Trump
>This is just the first 95 days. There is 2920 days in an 8-year term.

>falseflagging as Sup Forums because you're so upset about Colbertposting on an Indian call center forum
What a life

Nice Television and Films thread, really fired up my synapses.
Fuck off.

This is now a bane thread

>supporting this kike controlled neocon

>be me
>see off topic thread
>know it will be deleted
>might as well use the opportunity to get dubs

hello komrade
how does putins asshole taste today?


You are like a child watch this