Marcel Hanoun edition
qotd: whos your favourite user who has watched at least one Hanoun? and why is it slept?
Marcel Hanoun edition
qotd: whos your favourite user who has watched at least one Hanoun? and why is it slept?
Michael Mann fans are all plebs.
mfw dropout_cuck is 13
this is a good OP
So, I just made a stream site and I wanna test it out. Anyone wanna club a short kino like Ménilmontant or Hotel Montery?
or both?
wtf I have a virus now
when my brother leaves i'll stream some silent kino, he's banging out nas in the kitchen atm
When do you become full kino?
megaautist doesn't know shit since he hasn't seen any hanoun
sorry for slow reply megaautist, no posts since I said I was going to work have been me, I think you might be banned now so idk if you will read this (probably you will)
the 30s schlock wasn't bad because it was 30s necessarily, it was just bad, I didn't enjoy watching it. I've watched plenty of schlock from other decades that I also hated, the ones in my top list are the ones that hit the right spot with me
They all sit aside each other because I like them and think they are good. Sinful dwarf does have hammy acting but it also creates this really wonderfully nasty atmosphere, the kind hack reviewers would say 'it made me wanna take a damn shower after!!!!' Id recommend watching it if you haven't, it rules
I don't know where the preconception came from
Griffith isn't there because I haven't seen any Griffith, perhaps he would be there. And that isn't 'the top 100 movies' it's 100 movies that I have seen and love and would recommend other people watch
>OHHH wow i am suCH a cinema geek!
>what are your favorite directors?
>ohhhh...yknow like Griffith (da best!) and adam sandlerer