I'm ready for my war. I am grateful for it. So that my children and grandchildren can live in peace.
Deus Vult brothers, I hope to see you on the front.
Christian Edwards
Ebin Crusaders :DDD
Ian Hughes
The crusade should be against the Jews, not the Muslims - Jerusalem is still our goal.
Michael Garcia
You think so, aye sand nigger?
Asher Bennett
Fuck that.. Melbourne ring a bell?
Jose Nguyen
Your nation will never be Christian again, degenerates will continue to degenerate, the fact that your nation cried and cried over a bunch of dead faggots is unbelievable. I may live in America, I may have been raised here, but no one should have allegiance to this nation if they are God praising and God fearing. This user gets it. >Who controls international financing and the federal reserve? Jews. >Who controls Congress through AIPAC,ADL and many other lobby groups? Jews. >Who promotes sexual deviancy and pornography? Jews. >Who promotes the wars that have killed countless civilians in the world and have left countless mothers childless in America? Jews.
Promoting a 'Crusade' against Muslims, is being pro-Jew in defacto. >Thinking I'll get triggered You will burn for these posts, God will remember it.
Jack Sanders
Get fucked, Muslims are only our enemy because the Jews want to push focus away from themselves.
Josiah Morris
Are you defending Muslims?
Ryder Lewis
Lol go to bed, grandpa
Hunter Johnson
I dont get it. Aren't suicide terrorist attacks Sunni influenced?
Am I wrong in thinking most of the muslim terror attacks which have happened in the last couple of years were influenced by ISIS, a Sunni sect, that fucking hates the Shias as much as they hate America?
Jonathan Lopez
Fuck off sand nigger. Your "religion" is a religion of hate. We'll wipe you out when the time comes.
I'm merely asking if the mellenials are willing to start believing in themselves and not what someone else tells them to believe.
Only good sand nigger is a dead sand nigger.
Zachary Jackson
Reminder that Western culture is rapidly consuming Islam
All of the Islamic terrorist groups espouse this as a major reason for their actions That if they don't do something Islam will be devoured by Western culture
And it will be Nothing can stop it
Robert Ortiz
they prefer the term "sandfrican americans"
Tyler Clark
Typically mellenial.
Liam Ward
not gonna happen.
only way i see this happening is a nuclear war which will displace everyone but army vs army scenario i don't believe there is a real threat. jihadists use asymmetric warfare. they don't come straight to you with ships, tanks and guns
keep your borders tight america
Xavier Davis
I'm going to confidently defend myself, and my family accordingly and oppose any threats with a force 10x greater.
Henry Rodriguez
At the very most, European counties will close their borders to Arabs and that's about it.
If any of you crusadefags had the balls to kill Muslims then a few of you crazy fucks would have done it already.
Jose Miller
Careful, the camel fuckers might get mad.
They're so peaceful don't you know?
Matthew Thompson
>I'm going to confidently defend myself, and my family accordingly and oppose any threats with a force 10x greater.
Tyler Green
There was that stupid redneck up in Wisconsin who shot up the Sikh temple cause he thought they were Muslims lmao
Jordan Carter
>jews literally own every bank on the planet and control nearly all aspect of politics/ media/ social conditions etc >hurr durr muh mulsims hurr durr muh sand niggers
Austin Jones
>space marine suit
>more than 4 feet shorter and 3 feet narrower and 1 ton lighter but oh well
Nicholas Reed
They don't belong here either t bh.
Juan Perez
Holy shit... I didn't know Austraila had so many sand niggers. Say it ain't so?
When the world comes together and wipes you animals out...
Luis Morales
Sikhs are bro tier
William Butler
Austin Adams
I'm not a Muslim you deadshit and I never once denied that Islam was a violent religion but it's the Jews who are harnessing that violence against us.
Oliver Cox
I have superpowers but I was bound by a priest who saved my beloveds life to never again abuse my powers until a crusade was called by the pope.
So for the past 500 years I've been sitting here with my thumb up my arse.
Landon Reyes
Go back to stormfront
Connor Cox
Nice meme.
Jose Adams
Not an argument.
Jews are our true enemies, not Muslims.
Julian Martinez
Really? Dumbass... How many night clubs have the Jews shot up? How many towers have the Jews brought down? How many people have Jews raped and beheaded? How many Jews have thrown Europe into a quagmire of death and fear?
Grow a fucking brain.
Connor Baker
If you can't handle a little anti Semitic post then you don't belong here
Kayden Sanders
They really are though
They hate Muslims and serve in any army they can to help eradicate the Mohammaden menace
Ryder James
Nice al-taqiyya
Thomas Martin
Did you even read my post? I realise you must be new here, but are you aware of who is behind the push for mass immigration of Muslims into European countries?
Jackson Cox
White liberals who follow the philosophy of Peter Singer
Eli Nelson
Sure thing
Connor Lopez
Nice back peddling... You made it clear it was the Jews who where behind it all. And, I'm telling your dumbass it isn't some mysterious "Jew" conspiracy...
Ryan Robinson
They both are you stupid muslim faggot cunt
Lucas Rodriguez
Who votes for politicians who run on open borders platforms?
White liberals is the answer
Alexander Harris
Ryder Baker
> aussie sand nigger detected
Eli Perez
Then you won't object to the simultaneous nuking of Israel and Mecca?