This videogame addiction is killing me Sup Forums

this videogame addiction is killing me Sup Forums

how do I (and do we) stop it once and for all

to be honest with you, I don't want to be a manchild anymore.

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Take your graphics card out break it in half and then burn it in a ritualistic way
When you buy a new one, do the same thing when you get some clarity. At some point you will run out of money and will be forced to actually do life

How old are you? Unless you're hopelessly addicted to MMOs and over 30, you'll grow out of it.

soon in my mid-twenties

you will play significantly less when you get a job after college.

its not an addiction youre having fun

dont become somebody else

you lose your soul the second you listen to them

Video games aren't the reason you're a manchild fag.

Do you just play mmos?

>how do I (and do we) stop it once and for all

Have a nice sweet woman whose belly you fill with babies.

Live in a traditional household with traditional roles

Have a woman who you were her first and that knows you're the boss

w-what is it

no. I get bored easily so, 1 hour on a game is an achievement for me, I keep switching between games