Stranger Things' season 2 is 'darker, more horror-oriented'

>Stranger Things' season 2 is 'darker, more horror-oriented'

Get hype

Goddamn just look at that rubbery lipped little pickaninny

Someone wet his lips and stick him to a wall

Which one are you talking about?

tfw the only manlet of the group

>tfw never cared about stranger things and never will

I want to know how much coments this thread will get about the girl being the only one not wearing shoes


It's going to be shit

You have inexperienced showrunners who found themselves in charge of a MEGA hit and a short amount of time to make it.
They're gonna get all fucked up with listening to fans, who are literally always wrong.

The same thing happened to True Detective


>having a Season 2 when it isnt actually needed.

gotta squeeze every last dollar out of that cash cow!

Finn is the only one that doesn't look JUST'd

why do they have to fucking destroy EVERYTHING?

its a perfect one season show, no need to rape the fuck out of it and destroy what made it good in the first place.

Normies ruin everything
This is a known fact that applies to everything

it was pitched with 2 seasons since the beginning you niger fucker

>implying they didn't trash their initial plan and go for the full normie pandering route that'll end up destroying them

most reddit piece of shit released in a very long time. and i've even seen guardians of the galaxy

Why is the ugliest kid the one that's bare feet?
Now if they got the kid 2nd from left to show his long bare legs...


Do you think the main kids bully the kid who played Will? They didn't work with this kid, he was in the first season for all of 5 minutes, and now he's just following them around everywhere and acting like they're best friends.

All he does is stick around Millie, no one would care about him if he's not doing this

What are these expressions trying to convey?


More people talk about ST here than in reddit


It doesn't need "more horror".
The dark sci-fi thriller shit is where it's at.
I feel that they're going to miss the mark as they misunderstand what people liked about the first season.

Fucking True Detective S2 all over again

>People really liked Rust
>How about we make EVERY character Rust?

The show doesn't need more horror, it needs more based Mike on screen doing stuff, showing us into his private life, his personality, his deep thoughts, his motivation, his face, his hair, his freckles...

I hated how the first wasn't scary. How you're not lying, OP.

You might be watching a different show

Laurence Olivier?

fuck off nonces

This there was more than enough horror in the first season, they can build tension without going full jumpscares and chase scenes.

Let's not pretend the first season was a masterpiece, please.

I'll take inexperienced show runners over drugged out george lucas's any day

>Busted knees
Hollywood claims another.

wow kid #2 is really giving all he's got.

Kid #2 doesn't need to give it all he's got. He's already got hot 11 year old poon on lockdown.

Do you care about normal things?

It got so shitty towards the end. I really don't understand why anyone would even want a season 2.