Who are the industry's biggest dickhead directors, past and present?

Who are the industry's biggest dickhead directors, past and present?

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One only has to read the trivia section on IMDB for The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence to see his dickheadedness.

Otto Preminger was known for yelling at people on his film sets, especially the actors. The most yelling was on The Cardinal, where he yelled at star Tom Tryon nearly non-stop. I'm not sure if it was him or another actor, but Preminger waited until the actor's parents were visiting the set to verbally eviscerate him in front of everyone. Also he yelled at Keir Dullea on Bunny Lake is Missing and Dullea remembers it as a very hurtful experience, though he never cried. Dyan Cannon and Faye Dunaway said they would never work with him again after their experiences. The weird thing is that after Tom Tryon's experience on The Cardinal, he came back to be in In Harm's Way. Preminger was an asshole, but he is a great director.

When you're so wealthy and so many people kiss your ass that you can get away with pretty much whatever you want. This is one of the pathetic things about Hollywood.

>In the 1950's, American actors and directors were sent on a good will tour to meet their foreign counterparts in Japan. When meeting acclaimed director Akira Kurosawa, John Ford was very on edge. Ford served in a non combative role in the Navy during WWII, and was wary about meeting the Japanese director. Tensions were still running high in the 50's on both sides of the Pacific. On the other hand, Kurosawa was delighted at the opportunity to meet the man who was his role model as an artist. Ford, who'd watched Kurosawa's films before,took note of the then-young Akira's stylistic quirks. Ford was said to have remarked "Hey Nippo, you had some cool shit in your movies with all them samurais and swords and crap. But the fuck is up with all the rain in your movies? You Jap savages not have any concept of takes yet? Or do you just fucking love rain?" Kurosaw, enchanted by Ford taking notice, replied "Oh, you reary been pay attention to my firms!". Ford then popped him in his "slanty face" and said "The fuck did you say to me, Tojo?"

I hate the way Ford and Huston used their service in WW2 like they were in active combat when they just made fucking movies. Yeah, Ford was at Midway, with a fucking camera in his hand instead of a gun. Sam Huston staged a battle and passed it off as real combat, wasting thousands of dollars of munition.


>Ford was said to have remarked "Hey Nippo, you had some cool shit in your movies with all them samurais and swords and crap. But the fuck is up with all the rain in your movies? You Jap savages not have any concept of takes yet? Or do you just fucking love rain?" Kurosaw, enchanted by Ford taking notice, replied "Oh, you reary been pay attention to my firms!". Ford then popped him in his "slanty face" and said "The fuck did you say to me, Tojo?"

top kek even if it's not true

>In his autobiography, Otto Preminger recounts that he was surprised when, after having directed only two films in Hollywood, he was assigned to Kidnapped, a big-budget film. Preminger, who was not familiar with the book, read the script and complained to his friend, Gregory Ratoff, who was acting as Zanuck's assistant, that he did not want to direct the film because he had no understanding of the people in the part of the world where the story took place. Ratoff, however, persuaded him to accept. When Zanuck saw some of the rushes, he accused Preminger of cutting out a portion of the script without permission. During a heated argument, Preminger denied the charge, and when Zanuck yelled at him, Preminger yelled back. Preminger subsequently refused to apologize, and, according to the autobiography, because of the incident, he was prevented from working in Hollywood. He returned to stage direction and did not direct another film until 1943.

>Preminger and leading lady Dyan Cannon clashed throughout filming. She was constantly late, one of the director's pet peeves, and the two disagreed about everything about her character, from how she should be portrayed to how she should be dressed. Uncomfortable with the director's perception of Julie, the actress frequently tried to incorporate some of her own vision into her interpretation, resulting in loud on-set arguments that left Cannon feeling alone, self-conscious, and very vulnerable. Upon the film's completion, the two vowed never to work with each other again.[5]