I know this is a dangerous question for this board but was there any capeshit you enjoyed? What was it and Why? Animation counts. I personally liked the incredibles.
I know this is a dangerous question for this board but was there any capeshit you enjoyed? What was it and Why...
>I personally liked the incredibles.
Literally the most benign of all answers
Captain America gave me Indiana Jones vibes, and I'm a sucker for historical fantasy.
Uhh, Dark Knight was pretty good, Ledger's Joker was pretty iconic (though way overmilked by fans)
Spiderman 1&2 were pretty good.
Tim Burton's Batman movies were fantastic, excellent set and costume work.
X-Men 1 was pretty alright.
Thats about it.
Iron Man 1 was alright
batman begins
Andrew Garfield spiderman?
Did I say "The Amazing Spiderman"? No I said "Spiderman" dipshit.
Just making sure.
YOU didn't say anything. I typed that. What are you trying to pull, here?
I accomplished what I set out to do is what matters.