How do I red-pill my friends and family without sounding like a racist bigot?

How do I red-pill my friends and family without sounding like a racist bigot?

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Rape your female relatives and friends. Break them with your dick.

Angrily. Don't be a pussy about it. Call them idiots for disagreeing with you

Jesus fucking christ. Early morning Sup Forums is best Sup Forums

By not worrying about sounding racist and going to 11.

The marxist trap is they want you to debate inside their imaginary universe. Inside that place you can't win.

Break outside their bubble of lies and they have no arguments.

weev made a good howto:

you can't. they are all brainwashed beyond help

Tell them that they should house refugees and stop being islamophobes.

What's the worst that could happon?

That's not true. The hardcore ultra leftists are beyond help, but that's a small group.

Most are milquetoast liberals that can be turned quite easily.

>if i shout loud enough they'll see me as reasonable and agree with me!

Literally nigger-tier logic.

the other option is being conniving and a suck up and that's literal kike thinking