Is this true?
Pedos run Hollywood
Yeah. Probably.
Fuck off back to Sup Forums retard
No, probably.
Maybe. Probably.
Probably not, maybe.
But probably not
Can you repeat the question? Probably.
Probably. Maybe not.
yeah but who cares
wew, lighten up cunnyboy
>hating Pedos is now a Sup Forums thing
>children being exploited and raped
>who cares
Nice upbringing, I bet your parents are tops.
Shut up pedo
Get a life.
>tries the ol' switcharoo
Truths hurts huh?
it's been going on since the 30s
what do you think yo could possibly do?
kys urself
yeah, because all straight men are pedos.
You mad?
Atheists, ladies and gents. Everything and everyone is free game when you have no moral compass and don't know what it is to get married and raise children of your own. Children are just meatpuppets to be exploited and cast aside. Who's gonna strike you down? a Christian God? Hordy hor horr :::tips fedora euphorically:::
Then please stop denying that you're a pedo and get some help.
But I'm not, you are. Stop accusing me of what you hate most about yourself. Fucking pedo.
gas ys
It's the complete opposite of a Sup Forums thing though
Is this true?
You know what wasn't around during most of that time? The interne,mass-surveillance, and a steadily-growing contempt for Hollywood and its bullshit among common folk
Common folk are retards though, why do you think they fall for memes like communism and National Socialism?
Get 'em Frodo!
Is this correct?
All the people in this thread are pedo scum (except me of course)
Is this accurate?
What happened to the pedowood guy? Did they get him?
Based Dan. 10/10 taste.
Is this right?
Is this truthful?
Shit the shills are out of control
Relax pedos, there's not enough people that know that can actually make a difference. Plus you faggots use said pedo acts to blackmail top law enforcement so nothing can be done anyways ala pizzagate
Fuck you guys
Nothing to see here guys, just fake news.
pls don't be Dafne
Does anyone have pedowood's copypasta?
That is not how you spell kikes
Yes perhaps all of California.
what does this pic even mean
jajaja pedos
Yes it's true. The elite own Hollywood. The elite are pedophiles and much worse, therefore Pedos run hollywood, as well as the Earth
Tell me I'm wrong.
Muh nigger
God instills a moral compass within everyone by the nature of his moral law. Atheism just makes sin more palatable and removes a barrier that would discourage that sin.
It's a boy so no.
>keks at his own unfunny bullshit
power = pedophilia. it's true throughout human history.
No, your environment instills the moral compass you are speaking about.
>because we all know that hollywood is the safest place for kids
unironically what did tosh.o mean by this?
The science doesn't back that up.
"There is very little evidence in any of these cases that children's altruism is created by parents or any other form of socialization,"
A lot of our morals are based on hardwired emotions. And we feel a lot of emotions when interacting with others. Especially kids.
I laughed WAY too hard than I wold like to admit.
False flag
time to get woke nigga
>nyotaimori is now a satanic cannibal ritual
top Sup Forums
I thought that documentary was highly lacking. I mean, it was alright, but it focused like 90% on the faggot side of Jewleywood. Barely even touched the topic of kikes like Dan "cunny collider" Schneider pressing into that tight tight TIGHT cunny.
What a shame. He can't
No doubt.
>Who's gonna strike you down? a Christian God? Hordy hor horr :::tips fedora euphorically:::
So what your saying is Christians don't have to do anything to stop pedophilia because (((Yahweh))) will sort them all out in the end?
I wonder if this guy is still here.
Have no idea to the credence or validity of it, but I remember reading in some cunny thread some guy posting a second or third hand account about a friend or friend of a friend having sex with a little girl and describing it as the most unimaginable pleasure and wave of calm to ever happen to him.
Spoopy, but also interesting.
>some guy posting a second or third hand account about a friend or friend of a friend having sex with a little girl and describing it as the most unimaginable pleasure and wave of calm to ever happen to him.
Page 5, near the top.
No, it wasn't fucking Thad. I know mad thad and I would have mentioned him otherwise. No, it was just some random user. I don't really even remember the context surrounding it. All I know was that it struck me as fascinating, if not curious.
is this true?
What does that say? We cum tit village?
sounds like heroin
stop raping little girls
Yeah, but I think he described it more as like an esoteric experience.
so loving pedos is a Sup Forums thing? holy shit i knew this place was fucked.