This guy is responsible for more White Europeans (Ukrainians) dying than all Islamic terrorist attacks in Europe...

This guy is responsible for more White Europeans (Ukrainians) dying than all Islamic terrorist attacks in Europe combined. Not to forget the Dutch passengers he blew up mid-air.

Why does Sup Forums worship him?

Other urls found in this thread:

>This guy is responsible for more White Europeans (Ukrainians) dying

Is it what they are teaching in eurocuckistan?

>implying the Ukraine crisis is Putin's fault
NATO expansionism into what has been RIGTFUL RUSSIAN CLAY for centuries caused the chaos in the Ukraine. Putin had no choice but to secure his Black Sea port and to create a 'frozen conflict' situation, to keep NATO away from his borders. NATO is the aggressor.

Do people worship him? I only respect him as a leader and I would expect any competent leader of ours to do the same if they're going to be dealing with him.

>no one ever gave a shit about ukraine
>even knew what and where it is
>western media started shilling anti russia
>everyone became like "wtf I hate russia/putin now"

come on like you give a shit about those hohols.

krim nash

He actually gives a fuck about his people.
Annexing Crimea saved the population from being massacred by ukrainian extreme nationalists.

You're right but he's one of the only guys that takes things in his own hands instead of praying for solution and doesn't subscribe to pc bullshit. That's what everybody is looking up to.

>"dutch" passengers

they were not ethnic dutch

Nice taqiyya, Ahmed.

Putin was prime moving force behind Minsk II ceasefire agreement, which Ukrainian government signed but will not implement. Russia is strongest force for peace in eastern europe, but west Ukrop oligarchs do not want peace.

>Annexing Crimea saved the population from being massacred by ukrainian extreme nationalists

LMAO you think Danish "extreme nationalists" would harm Swedes or Germans?

You have been conditioned to think that "extreme nationalists" are harmful and irrational.

I am from Kharkov and have got very good friends from Lviv. They are nice people, but you always in risk of creating a tempest in a teapot if you debate anything related to Russia, Putin and Crimea with them.

>Danes, Swedes, and Germans are the exact same as Ukrainians and the political and social climate in Denmark, Sweden, and Germany is the exact same as that of Ukraine

*five rubles have been added to your account*

Yes they fucking were

What the fuck are you talking about

It doesn't matter much

Irrelevant. There is no evidence that Russia or Putin was in any way connected to downing of that flight regardless of composition of passengers.

ITT people who think Ukrainian lives don't matter because they take the muh Russia savior of Europe meme seriously or get paid to shill

it is the truth. russians have always been the greatest enemy to whites and i'm including jews with russians

t. sisu monkey



We're talking about Ukranians and Russians here, not Bacon, meatballs and sausages.

I guess Ukraine and Georgia just invaded themselves?

Shouldn't you be busy planning on how to rape and rob olympians?

Sup Forums loves him because they think he's a right-wing traditionalist lol
Sup Forums has never been in Eastern Europe and they don't know how shit it is to live here.
Putin said himself that Russia needs more "Asian" immigrants to support Russia and that "we need to create a good enviroment" for them.
Calling Putin right-wing is like calling Poroshenko a nazi. Just fucking dumb

>american education

Georgia and Ukraine are literal provinces of Russia, their independence is meme

OP didn't even mention how he's a sub-human mongoloid.


Because you are pussies, and he's got a cock.

Wow, dude, you are fucking E D G Y
Like wow your so cool. Damn, I don't even...

>Sup Forums loves him because they think he's a right-wing traditionalist

no one thinks and says this (((hohol)))

How do you know he's Russian?

>no one thinks and says this (((hohol)))
Liar. That is the reason why Sup Forums loves him.
They think he protects Russian interest. Well, if stealing billions with your friends and buying property in Europe is "protecting Russian interests", than yeah, he's a fucking guardian angel.

Ukraine is not a NATO member. There was no expansion. No missile bases. Literally fucking nothing.

A plane was shot down over "rebel" held territory with Russian missiles, I doubt Putin personally ordered it, but he carries some responsibility.

>Finn triggered by mention of mongols

yea he's probably some finnic shitstain, he sure looks like one

Comrade, that's a cat

Russians=Sub-Human Mongoloids

Sup Forums is self hating and naive when it comes to Putin

Does Kalashnikov carry personal responsibility for every death by Kalashnikov weapon?

Furthermore, Putin has no control over Novorossiya self-defence forces. They act independently of Moscow.


It's honestly the thing I hate the most about this board, if a western politician does anything cuckoldry or corruption are automatically assumed, no politician holds genuine beliefs, they are automatically dismissed.

But if glorious Putin, who is proven to have billions hidden in tax havens, then he does it all for the glory of Russia and saving the white race

RT is really effective.

>t. angry Russophobe

The reason why he looks so inhuman is countless botox injections he had to look younger. He is 63 after all.

Because he's not a kike slave, like the US.

Serbs said this same exact thing about the paramilitaries when they massacred Bosnians and Croatians, at the same time supplying 90% of the weapons, ammunition and troops to those paramilitaries.

I like how you put "self-defense" in there too, as if to imply they were in any danger in the first place.


>Russian missiles
Old soviet ones, that discontinued in Russia.

No but the person who gives it to them knowing that they can be spused incorrectly does.

>Furthermore, Putin has no control over Novorossiya self-defence forces. They act independently of Moscow


>I like how you put "self-defense" in there too, as if to imply they were in any danger in the first place.

There is NO PROOF that Russian government is supplying any kind of warfare logistics to Donetsk or Luhansk self-defence forces


>White Europeans
Haha, great joke.

>Why does Sup Forums worship him?
Same reason why they they worship Hitler. He kills white people.

That's why he calls Ukrainians anti-semitic Nazis


*laughing at you*

Yea but he kills the right white people


>But if glorious Putin, who is proven to have billions hidden in tax havens
Lol, why would he need it anyway? He will have a power over 1/6 of planet until he dies. Western idiots just can't get it. Money can't buy power he already have, he doesn't need to steal anything.

>t. mr 60%

>t. hohol

What does it say?

Look, he is chinese.

Ukrainians are beasts. Anyone who slays them is a hero for me

V.Putin - PR Minister takes a stand

>Anyone who slays them is a hero for me
For me too.

Fuck off Ahmed, don't you have someone to stab in Mjoelner parken?

Holocaust Deniers in Russia Now Face Five Years in Prison:

B-but Putin is the goood guy anons!!1

Putin did nothing wrong.

He made Russia a great country and brought it to levels never seen before, after years of stagnation after the collapse.

The media is trying to make him black because they don't like how he fucks with the globalists' plans.

>it's the jews he is really trying to expel from the Crimea...don't get cucked by jewish propaganda.

>all islamic terrorist attacks
>ignore that the usa created isis
>ignore that the usa supplies isis by weapon

If he ever gets ousted from power or retires he can live a rich comfy life. Are you genuineky asking why people would want lots of money?

It has been proven that his cellist friend has billions stacked in tax havens, which are modt likely for Putins use.

It before you call the panama papers CIA propaganda, it exposed the Uirainian """junta""" for its corruption as well.

>Why does Sup Forums worship him?
Only Kremlin shills worship him; and diaspora Russians who supports him because he's Russian. It's like blacks supporting Obama because he's black.

I was wondering when Russia's retarded little brother would show up. Right on the clock.

Yes, America is giving weapons to ISIL while bombing them at the same time.



We've freed them, so feel kinda responsible, you know.

Ukrainians wanted to be in the west's sphere of influence and not in the arms of vodkanigger russians.

>bombing them

Haha. I can't believe this brainwashing. I suppose they just made their own Grad rockets and tanks. I suppose troops in pic related just happened to cross the border by accident because it was just a fun time being there. I suppose all those families of Russian soldiers (not volunteers) who died in Ukraine were just paid by NATO to lie and deceive the public. I suppose these militia were not trained by Russian military advisers despite showing Russian standards of organization and battle tactics. It must be all those experienced volunteers who taught them.

i don't care if slavs are white or not.
i only care about nords

truth is, we're just pretending to be retarded :DDD

>If he ever gets ousted from power or retires he can live a rich comfy life. Are you genuineky asking why people would want lots of money?
Yeap. He doesn't need to steal for this if you are a president. But he will rule until he die, if he need a comfy life - he would have it long ago. You are really stupid or just can't get it (or CNN works better, than RT in your country)

yeah right, that's exactly why they have bases there and got mad when rushka started bombing them

Another day, another shill thread. Now I will post STRANOSHARY

A lot more than the Russians are

go back to your cuck-shed, Nils

Only stupid americuts love him like they love the zionist overlord trump

by them i mean isis ofc, english is stoopid :(


What makes Ukraine rightfully belong to Putin?



The question why he needs it is irrelevant when it has literally been proven that he is a billionaire.

>This guy is responsible for more White Europeans (Ukrainians) dying than all Islamic terrorist attacks in Europe combined.
Actually Ukrainians themselves are responsible for this, in 2 ways:

1)Ukrainian army's daily indiscriminate shelling of population centers in Eastern Ukraine

2)Ukraine army being so staggeringly shit that they are getting slaughtered en masse by rebels.

>russian memes

He owns a largest country in the world with 150 mln people, you underestimated his wealth.

Your opinion is not proof