Get Out

Is this movie worth watching?

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I recommend for every friend.

yeah. it was okay.

Best movie i've ever seen Thank you rotten tomatoes for picking another winner me and my wifes family LOVE

Seriously best picture material right here, I laughed non-stop. I nearly cried my wife had to pause it multiple times... TIGER WOODS HAHAHAHA I seriously can't think of that line without literally rofl OMG BEST M OVIE EVAR.

It's worth watching, but overall very meh

>Is this movie worth watching?
Yes. But only once. If you desire to rewatch it, then you have shit taste.

Yes. Professional film critics and audiences agree that it's excellent.

Its not like you have anything better to do.

it's good but nothing special, go for it if you're bored


It's very good. If you're put off by the racial content, don't be. It's not Crash.

more like Get Cucked lmao

Pretty gud to watch with friends.

Can someone explain to me the point of the comedic elements thrown in? The movie would have been 100x better without them.

I went to a black movie theater for the first time with my ex to see this. Let me tell you, honestly, the stereotypes of ghetto blacks talking in movie theaters are absolutely true. It was pretty funny though.

When the cop car rolls up, and it's understood that the white gf is going to tell the cops that a black man killed her white family,
I actually heard audible groans of disgust. Then his TSA friend showed up and everyone cheered. Swear to god this happened. Mike and Jay were right, they didn't push the envelope that far

Better than I expected. It did fall a little flat in the climax. There wasn't preachy shit. It was making fun of white liberals who objectify blacks. It's actually a smart movie.

Can you into suspense?

The suspense would have greatly improved without the comedic elements. Not sure what you're saying.

Then you don't know what an effective suspense film is.

the premise would seem retarded without the comedic elements

I watched it in a black theater, too (and even ended up next to an interracial couple). It was an absolute blast. They caught on to some of the jokes before I did (like, dad constantly saying "my man").

Watched it a month ago in a mostly empty white theater and it just wasn't the same. HOWEVER, I strongly recommend the rewatch, there's a lot of great jokes when you realize what's going on.


I liked it but it was a complete ripoff of The Skeleton Key or whatever that movie stole from.

It's fine but it promotes breeding with negroes so honestly it's worthless

okay douchebag

I'm a sensitive boy and I lked it a lot.

Sup Forumstard, here.

It was actually okay from an objective perspective and the agenda seemed to be more against liberal aristocrats than it was "LMAO FUCK WHITE PPL"

its great, constantly entertaining and really creepy at times

If you're a nigger, yes.

I have to admit...white, "progressive" Americans are the funniest and saddest thing I've observed during my life. War/revolution won't be needed to take them out. Just patience.

The movie was nothing but rip off after rip off peppered with socially relevant propaganda. I was bored and it was predictable, i'm glad I didn't pay to see it in theaters

>I have to admit...white, "progressive" Americans are the funniest and saddest thing I've observed during my life. War/revolution won't be needed to take them out. Just patience.

And why not? Theyre the only people to have their culture systematically eradicated and illegalized. Even the native American and African Americans are allowed practice their "culture", whether it be authentic or not. A people who are not allowed to have culture are damned for eternity.

Even if she has no ass, I find that newscasters daughter to be pretty sexy.

Some fags might say "this movie is based it totally proves liberals are the REAL racists" but that's the main problem with the message. As much as I hate liberals, I can understand their beliefs and acknowledge that I hate them because they allow blacks and other minorities to act as they please and spread like a plague in our country and not because (except perhaps a few at the top) they have some sort of secret desire to enslave all blacks. The fact that a black person chooses to demonize specifically this group of whites says a lot about the director and the racism in America today.

It shows that outright discrimination is very rare in this country, forcing him to choose as his avatars of racism an average upper class white family whos only racial transgression is an eagerness to please (until they start doing horror movie shit of course).


At no point in the movie is this point of view expressed or even hinted at. The movie doesn't suggest that liberals have a genuine desire to help blacks that ends up hurting them. In fact, the big reveal is that the liberal family is a bunch of actual racists transplanting their superior white brains into superior black bodies. The deep political commentary simply isn't there. "white ppl b raciss and cray-z", is the only consistent message throughout.

It is the perfect example of the disdain blacks have for all whites. Out of touch references to black culture and awkward conversation are apparently all it takes to insult a nigger, as those are the only crimes committed by our villains (until they start body swapping with niggers ofc). Even the most loyal card carrying liberals are painted as being secretly racist existential enemies to blacks. Various scenes consist of nothing but anti white hate porn. The protagonist strangling the white girl. The white girlfriend sipping milk while dressed all in white.

I hope to do this to a woman very very soon

If the director wanted to make a movie about liberal racism he would've had an upstanding black family terrorized by a gang of unruly blacks on welfare who are enabled and protected by some white non-profit organization. The movie as it is does not illustrate how liberals coddling blacks destroys their communities. The villains are an average white family who are revealed to be malevolently intentionally racist. This is in no way analogous to "liberals BTFO". It is on the level of tinfoil hat conspiracy theory paranoia.

I just think it's hilarious that nig nogs have such a massive victim complex that even people FETISHIZING them and thinking of them as superior is something they detest, because that's what this entire movie is based on. It literally paints white liberals as malevolent and evil because they love blacks too much or some shit. But if you hate them that's also racist. And if you're neutral and don't make any attempts to help blacks that's also racist. It's almost like, no matter what people do, every single fucking thing is always going to be racist, because they will never not see themselves as victims. An actual movie that could call out legitimate issues with white liberals harming black communities could be with regards to how a welfare nanny state has created huge gang and unemployment problems in a black neighborhood and a black man and his family have to deal with it. They could have done a massive exaggeration of this like with Get Out in that outside forces are hiring blacks to wreck their own communities under the guise of providing jobs and money to poor minorities, or some shit. That would actually effectively call out the ways well-meaning white liberals actually fuck with blacks rather than help them. Of course, blacks will never actually realize or accept that.

>“For while when we had a black president, we were living in this post-racial lie,” he added. “The idea of, ‘We’re past it – we’re past it all!’ For me, and for many people out there – as all black people know – there’s racism. I experience it on an everyday basis. This movie was meant to reveal that there’s this monster of racism lurking underneath some of these seemingly innocent conversations and situations.”

yes white people awkwardly trying to be nice makes them racist monsters. . .


This is what I thought. If you don't like white liberals, this is the movie for you.

>Can someone explain to me the point of the comedic elements thrown in? The movie would have been 100x better without them.

It's much more difficult to build an entire movie around suspense. It takes a lot of talent. Adding comedic elements is an easy way to make characters likable and the ebb and flow of tension/humor helps the pace of the movie and keeps the audience engaged. Pure suspense can be exhausting, that's why its hard to pull off.

The comedy at the end totally ruined the tone though.

Every single race thrown shit was not necessary and not needed in the movie at all. The plot would have been fine without it. Pretty average movie at that point.

>Black guy speaks like he actually has an education

>Main character freaks out, "Those white people have brainwashed him!"

It's one negative review on RT was by a black man and he was absolutely correct.

This movie was bolstered by it's BLM age timing. It was just okay. Not particularly original in horror, apart from making it racial. It wasn't scary, it wasn't particularly well acted and it just made me think, "fuck is that it?" when it ended. Really glad I torrented it instead of paying to see it.

I got this really weird sense that the main character was offended by everything for no reason other than expecting he should have been offended.

Its a great movie if you are a cuckhold white male sissy that likes worshiping blacks and praising their victimhood

But if you have some self respect.... then no.

those fags are retards. This movie is a hit piece on whites in general. Self-hating whites just like to eat that shit up and its pathetic.

Well if you can form sentences to communicate, you are obviously oppressed.

Watch it before you die !!

That was uncalled 4

>Pushing buttons that alarm blacks yet charm white liberals, Peele manipulates the Trayvon Martin myth the same way Obama himself did when he pandered by saying, “Trayvon Martin could have been my son.”
He even blasts Tarantino at the end, fucking based

I know, isnt it a wonderful critique? He's fucking spot on.

I always get a kick out of his reviews even if I don't always agree with him. Its top notch just for the sheer amount of butthurt in the comment sections.

On that get out one in particular, im amazed at the hatred he's getting. Fucking unreal.

>We're all equal, embrace racial diversity
>All races are different, how dare you try and appropriate or appreciate something another race has

There is no pleasing blacky. He is only 13% of the population, but nothing will ever be enough for him. Every inch given begs for another mile.

Good thing he's black, because otherwise he'd get blasted as a racist, but that doesn't stop entitled champagne homos like Takei calling any negro thinking outside the box an Uncle tom


Its worth watching but the plot is weak. Without giving anything away
>watch a guy get fucked over for a few days and continue like it never happened
Its not a very interesting story but its fun to watch unfold and well done for what it is

You wrote all of that and still managed to not make ONE intelligent statement.

The movie simply went with an interesting concept that happened to utilize race. Yes, it touched on forced/cringey interaction SOME people of different races have, but that wasn't the point of the entire movie.

Translation: It's a good movie if you aren't an insecure, constantly assblasted Sup Forumsack



It's open for interpretations anyways. I chose the one that the movie is warning blacks that white liberals aren't their friends.
Tbh I only thing I really liked was the uncanny valley effect when the mindswapped black persons "talked" white.

It's a good horror movie. It's not groundbreaking like the reviewers said. It doesn't deserve 100% on RT, but its absolutely NOT the liberal agenda megaphone that Sup Forums and Sup Forums made it out to be.

It's pretty good, and compared to any other horror movie, it's really good.

Christ, I saw this movie in a theatre that was entirely too white.

That was kind of the point though. People who haven't seen this *cough * *cough*
movie pretend that it's some weird anti-white propaganda, while just as much effort was put into the prejudice black people have.

Just like Chris assuming that the maid must've been jealous of his girlfriend because he's dating a white girl so black women must naturally feel offended.

these are my favourite type of posts

I think people here generally have the idea that it's sjw propaganda, but without having seen it but having read a lot about it and talked to people who have seen it, i believe it's quite the opposite. I really wanna see it.

Trustworthy people have also compared to twilight zone and outer limits episodes, which can only be a good sign.


It was marketed as a comedy but wasn't funny, nor was it a horror. I frankly don't know what genre this movie fits into.

That's leaving out the blatant 'whitey bad, blackey good' that takes place in every scene.

Nothing more than cultural appropriation non-sense, skip it.

I really liked it. I think the big problem with this movie is if you see the trailer it takes a huge chunk of the fun away from you, since you get a good vibe of what the story is about - but obviously it's only a piece of it and the mystery is still there.

If I could go back in time and shoot the version of me who saw the trailer after the RT score, and instead just went and watched it? Yeah I'd do that.

Still was worth the 10 bucks to see it at the movies and was a good waste of two hours. You've wasted 10 dollars on stupider shit than this don't lie.


>watch trailer
>it's literally marked as a horror movie
>it's actually a mystery thriller

>"It was marketed as a comedy"

what did he mean by this?

>mfw I didn't see the trailer before watching the movie

I truly do envy you user. I imagine the rollercoaster ride must have been 10x as good.

I don't think the majority in my theatre saw the trailer. People were genuinely cheering during the ending murder spree and there was a huge sigh of relief when TSA arrived.

Well for me I just mean had I not already went in with the notion the family is racist, and hypnotizing black people, all the plot building up to that point would have been a lot more "WHAT THE FUCK" instead of me going in like "This is that movie with the racist fucking white people enslaving the negros again" - Instead of getting to experience the whole mystery from start to finish I mostly only got joy out of the reveal as to WHY they were doing it, because I already knew a lot of the key things and messed-up-ed-ness that was coming

That said the twist that the family isn't even really racist was still fucking 10/10

Anyone else think it was just kinna dumb.


Even without seeing the trailer, it was still a really predictable movie. Hopefully they'll do better with that next time, because they did a great job with everything else.

Why do people still think this is what the movie is about?

That's very interesting but did you see the film

Because they haven't seen the movie.

They don't. It's just shitposting about a film they had no intention of seeing anyway. And if they do seriously think that then you can safely disregard retards.

>You just haven't seen it! Thats the only way you can disagree with me!
>No proof of this

Idiots. You don't have to be a Sup Forumsestinian to know that blacks can be as racist as whites and often are. The difference is black racism is often accepted and excused while white racism, or any HINT of it, is shut down immediately (for example, this thread).

Fucking take a look at yourselves.


fuck drumpf and fuck white people
Take all their women to the IBG to be bred by superior BBC

If that's the case, then you should be embarrased for not being able to refute one bit of it.


Why are 4channers so insecure? Is it because they are statistically known for having below average genitals?

> It is on the level of tinfoil hat conspiracy theory paranoia.

Niggers are stupid, they believe in shit like this
There is a deep hatred of whites in almost all blacks

This just goes to show you the entitlement of the niggers
They are told by the leftists every day that they are "equal", the same as whites, etc
And so when they see whitey getting something they don't, the only explanation for it is racisms

>it's sjw propaganda
It's black propaganda made by a black who has a jewish wife

This is what BLACKS think about whites, that they are all evil devils

>as all black people know – there’s racism. I experience it on an everyday basis
>literally EVERY DAY this nigger experiences racism in Los Angeles, California

Like where, on twitter? Is it the kind of horrible racism featured in Get Out, (i.e. awkward jokes)? And from who? His Mexican lawnmower?

Different races will NEVER assimilate with each other and this is proof. A successful black man in one of the most tolerant racially diverse places in America still complains about perceived racism every day.

I didnt like it but my wife loved it for some reason

I watched it with my wife's son, really enjoyed it

Rather well made anti-white people propaganda.

Peele turned down Akira to make some more anti-white propaganda instead. Yay!


Best movie so far this year.

It was good but the plot was obvious as soon as the black people started acting weird.

>I frankly don't know what genre this movie fits into.


Then why does the director think this is what the movies about?
