What would he think about the current state of his company?
What would he think about the current state of his company?
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he'd probably be nonplussed at the amount of heebs
inb4 antisemitic
inb4 Frozen is a lesbian power fantasy
inb4 Avatarland is going to bomb
I shudder to think.
>wow these films are pretty bland and uninspired. when I started this company I basically ushered in a golden age of american animation and my name was synonymous with beautiful and whimsical fairytale cartoons. now my last name basically just means "banal childish corporate trash". thanks guys.
then he would re-kill himself and make sure to destroy his brain forever
fuck beaten
he'd burn it to the ground
Literally who?
Kino C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien fucking HATED pleb Disney:
On the one hand he would be pissed.
Yet the company prints money with movies. They can add another billion before the next two weeks are up. He never stopped being a business man.