Who's your countries biggest bro country? It's Hungary for Poland. And it's been like that since forever. Romania...

Who's your countries biggest bro country? It's Hungary for Poland. And it's been like that since forever. Romania, Japan and Italy is also worth mentioning.

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what have you been smoking?

Until 1945 Hungary was our eternal bro, too.

Historically, Portugal. However I'd definitely say Australia and New Zealand from a modern perspective.

>Romania, Japan and Italy is also worth mentioning.
This is seriously pissing me off. Just because we were allies/had common goals in a short period of time doesn't mean we are fucking brothers. Romania and Italy weren't a thing for most of Poland's history. Japan? Are you fucking kidding me? They were completly irrelevant in our history (yes, I know we were unofficial allies againts USSR, but nothing major happened). You may like these nations, but they are not our brothers.
Pick one


Noone I guess.
Maybe Netherlands and Austria.

Save us pls.

Latvia is mai waifu

France is definitely our biggest ally

I'd say the US comes next

Just to give you headsup

Hungary and Russia, historically, never had any friends.The only friends are with interest.

This is how Hungary survives, leeching other countries.