Is he generally a positive or negative influence on the alt-right movement, in your opinion? Explain why.
Milo Yiannopoulos
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Positive, he gets much more room to say whatever the fuck he wants because he's gay. He has done more for us than all these pundits.
He's also actively putting his life at risk with these things, especially in Sweden, so I trust him more compared to a couple of months ago.
I used to agree that he we shouldn't trust him and that he should be viewed as an ally rather than a friend but with all the valuable work he has done I think he crosses that line already.
Go Milo!
Alt-Right movement is bad.
Despite the Sup Forums butthurt over him being gay, being a narcissist, not being a (((true))) conservative or what not, he is brining way more people over to the conservative side than anyone else aside from Trump right now, and I for one support that.
Plus I think gays belong on our side nowadays; I think the movement is beginning to mature and lose its degeneracy, not to mention how many have been red-pilled by Orlando and know what a threat Islam is to their lifestyle.
people won't like it but it's a fact.
>he is brining way more people over to the conservative side than anyone else aside from Trump right now
A random kikebart faggot isn't bringing any significant amount of people into being open to conservatism. Comparing his influence to Trump is completely laughable. If he wasn't gay and obnoxious he would be a nobody.
Instead of "liberals are the real racists" he is making "liberals are the real homophobes/sexists"
Instead of courting blacks he wants us to court gays
There is no right-wing shift with him. It is just neoconservatism 2.0 with gays, trannies and people that call themselves "egalitarians" in place of blacks and latinos that neocons have tried to pander to for 10 years.
If he has turned anyone towards the "right" (he is actually a libertarian) it is gamergate youtube losers
>Plus I think gays belong on our side nowadays
Kill yourself. Honestly just fucking end your life. Remember what gays did when Trump tried to pander to them when Orlando happened? Gays shat all over Christians, Trump, straight white males etc. Those people don't belong on our side. They don't belong anywhere.