Stephen Colbert has recently made a very nasty and homophobic slur against President Donald Trump for his recent interview with John Dickerson of Face the Nation.
I don't appreciate this vitriolic hate speech, and I don't endorse this kind of language being out there for my children to potentially see.
So I implore my fellow members here at Sup Forums to see that we can voice our opinion and see if advertisers of The Late Show with Stephen Colbertâ„¢ are ok with endorsing this kind of poisonous, vitriolic hate speech, just like how we voiced our opinion on the actions of Bill O'Reilly.
Some people to contact:
Advertiser phones:
Ford 8003923673
Bayer 8008004793
Procter & Gamble 5139831100
Pfizer 8008793477
Glaxo Smith Kline 8888255249
Advertiser phones (needs updates):
There are also people twitter working on this.
We should work with them, share resources.