*hacks into voting machines all over the country and makes sure Drumpf wins the election*

*hacks into voting machines all over the country and makes sure Drumpf wins the election*

*hacks into Hillary's daily planner and deletes trips to Michigan*

*gets exterminated to make way for lebensraum for the Herrenvolk*

Hillary would have won if it wasn't for this bullshit

Can't wait for Drumpf to get impeached


*subverts your democracy*


Are there any movies where someone exposes political corruption and they get called the bad guys?

>literally no reason to believe this

Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?

um it's been all but confirmed, sweetie

Show us proof. Because if it had been remotely suspected it would have already been in the courts

sorry, I don't debate Nazis


>impoverished 3rd world shithole with a minimum wage of 50 cents an hour manages to decide the elections in the USA

we should be more embarrassed about this

Lel, which courts? The "yeah sure we'll respect your verdict lemme just get my wallet and pay you" international court?

Ah yes, the one singular party in control of every facet of government, is just going to go through the proper judiciary channels to convict their own President.

it used to be difficult to troll people on this site

>Show us proof
So, is your excuse laziness, denial or straight up apathy preventing you from looking into it?

These shouldn't even be considered trolling, they're jokes, obvious, bad ones.

>Sup Forums - Television & Film

Redpill me on U.S. - Russian relations.

Drumpf is a Russian puppet and uses his mouth as a cock holster for Putin

Trump has very real, tangible business ties with Russian companies in some association with the Russian government. Putin seems to have some pwoer moves planned, needs to misdirect the US from giving a shit, so he ordered very real election hacks to disrupt both the Clinton and Trump csmpaigns. Whether someone from Trump's administration was complicit with this knowledge or not, is the debate.


Is this the email that saved America?

Fucking Rasputin hacking those paper ballots with Ruskie magic.

>Sup Forums doesn't even attempt to disguise their threads with the classic "recommend me a movie where...." anymore

I guess to retards, computers do seem like magic.

they didnt go on purpose
they thought that the more people were exposed to her the more they would hate her in Michigan (Bernie beat her there in primary)
this is actually true and was the strategy
(source: pic related)

>*hacks into voting machines all over the country and makes sure Drumpf wins the election*
Show me a source that says Russia hacked into voting machines nigger.

It's common knowledge by now. Do you even watch CNN?

This isn't Sup Forums. This is nu-Sup Forums aka kids who came here from plebbit because of the totes awesome Trump campaign that BTFOs normies and is epic as fuck. And now they refuse to leave, spreading cancer across all boards.

No journalist or credible news outlet is saying that. They are saying, along with the CIA, that servers have been remotelt hacked.

Great non-answer user, I'll take that as a no.

Whatever strawman helps you sleep at night I guess.


What servers? Voting machine servers as implied by OP?

Campaign servers and voting records, not explicitly voting machines, just databases of Americans, private info, shit like that. It's all on wikileaks too.

Do Americans seriously vote digitally?


...so they actually did some shady shit in the election? The same stuff they have been doing in EU elections for years?

Could it be that Russia profits from western countries being divided & disorganized?

it varies by municipality

Yes, faggot. Yes...

You act like this surprises anyone besides the incredible naive Trumptards.

wtf, I love Russia now

Although in all honesty there were machines that "accidentally" changed votes from Trump to Hillary, not sure why it didn't become a bigger issue. It was sort of just brushed off.

Russia has been destabilizing the middle east FOR DECADES to flood Europe with refugees

Europe has been destabilizing the middle east for a century.