except ooga booga african tribes did have gods

its not like they're saying hes jesus, hes some kind of descendant of a native american god IIRC

He's a descendant of Odin you fucking retard. He's Baldr.

HOLY SHIT! No, remember, the REAL Odin was the one in the epilogue, he's a descendant of the American Odin.

>He's Baldr

Except for the part where he isn't

He was half white/half nig in the book. He's the bastard son of Wednesday.

i hope people arnt racist enough to hate the show cause of the color of his skin, happy to see him from the 100 and it was a pretty good opener to the show

I can't imagine a racist would enjoy American Gods regardless of who they cast in the lead role considering the themes of the book.

>...because I'm white

That, and the makeup/product on her face and in her hair. I'd like nothing better than to take a hose to her face.

>the 100
thats what he's from fuck its been bugging me

Does Emily Browning die sucking off his best friend like in the book?

I actually hate it because he's the guy from the 100.

The 100 sucked donkey balls, and he was just a meat head type character. Really doesn't give me much incentive to watch this. Looks like B tier trash.


>just a meat head type character
so is Shadow, at least thats how he presents himself

>gods exist because people belive in them
>most murricans that belive in nordic gods imagine balder as a nigger
why are murricans such cucks?

thats not even remotely how it works

Well if that's the main character they're going with, then you've got your reason right there. Not many people enjoy watching meat heads that can't act in more than a supporting role.

even tho he's the 'MC' Shadow is very much the supporting role so it works pretty damn well

even better, its Dane Cooks dick.

I missed that ha, someone give that man more work

this. i always enjoy him

I-I miss him


i hate that he's not a native-american god

thats fucking retarded, their is native american gods and they show up, wtf would you think Shadow is one?

>Black Baldr

odin fucked a mullato, they had a kid, problem?

>White guy fucks mullato
>Mulatto girl gives birth to full blown nigger
Yeah... no problem at all

He has attractive white person features.
S'all good

The actor is only half black.

he's mullato ya triggered cuck, should be whiter sure but he is mixed and it shows

I wish black people could understand how civilization works.

You don't, do you?

Don't mean to be Boston, but you never did did you?

I'll clue you in.

Everyone hates everyone.


Fuck you.

who you talking to buddy? what do you mean by this?

U understand?

Black people do. American blacks do not.
Ricky Whittle is an army brat from East-India


Because since the apartheid has been lifted from South Africa, all I see is loony tunes.

the blacks in south africa are possibly even worse then those in the US, they are entitled dense and 1/2 human animals, they have driven the country into the ground, never ever go their they are horrific, I have never seen a more wretched hive of scum and villainy
source: lived their way to long