What it's like to live in militarised Israel?

Regarding recent terror attacks in France and Germany, some people say here that in the future we will have to do the same things as Israel

So, how is life in Israel considering all the anti-terror measures your state takes? Do you fear going outside? Do you stay vigilant all day as soon as you go outside your house?

Can you have the same lifestyle as, say, in Italy, where people live comfy and meet each other in cafeterias (at least this is the stereotype)?


Its like in any other Western country.

> Do you fear going outside?
Only in Muslim neighbourhoods

>Do you stay vigilant all day as soon as you go outside your house?
That's every country

Can you have the same lifestyle as, say, in Italy, where people live comfy and meet each other in cafeterias (at least this is the stereotype)?
If you have a good job, but it's nowhere near Italy- those Goyim got it made.


Back the fuck up, chaim.

Israel was created by jewish nationalists, and nationalism is a european idea. Żabotyński wasn't a religious Jew

Did i say Israel is a Western country? no,but the lifestyle is similar.


>That's every country
The only thing I have to be vigilant about is not hitting wildlife in the road.

t. Countryfag

Sure feels safer over here in israel, atleast we aren't fucking scared of sand niggers. Repeat after me Pol/ack.

Pretty much this
Life here is good.


That's how you sound like
Really that's exactly like you

Life is fine
Palis are subhuman of course but we know how to deal with them
I'm an autist so I don't leave the house much anyways, but I doubt life here is that much different from life in Italy

First we cure the aids

then we shrug off the bacteria

Jewish llifestyle =/= Western lifestyle
god damn, kike are so stid

Then don't imply everyone everywhere. is in a constant state of danger and vigilance if it's so triggering.

I understand you all have the shittiest neighbours in the world and that Eurofags are going to be Greater Israel.

>Islamic state of France and le crapot
va te faire enculer, arabe

Life here is awful, but not because of the danger.

You are more likely to die of a car accident than a terror attack.

But everyone are ultra-normies, and it's hard to be an autist NEET, and I think it's because our militaristic culture.

Most people here, and every single Israeli poster on Sup Forums (>רומז שאתם באמת דוסים) live a western lifestyle, not a Jewish lifestyle

אנשים פה צריכים redpill ומהר ראבק

>early morning
>mosque screeching
>wake up
>sun isnt even up yet
>lie in bed counting my gold coins
>rub lotion on my dick so it stays moist cause got no foreskin
>hear abdul fucking his goat under my window
>morning news on TV
>arabs are rioting again
>grab my uzi and step outside
>50 degrees in the shade
>change clothes
>an arab tries to stab me
>shoot him
>go to the bus stop
>an arab tries to run me over with a tractor
>shoot him
>riding the bus
>an arab tries to blow up
>shoot him
>step outside
>rocket alarm
>run to shelter
>change clothes
>see pride parade
>200k faggots blocking traffic
>die of heat stroke before i can spray them with my uzi

What exactly constitutes a "Jewish lifestyle"? Those guys in silly clothes who don't work and thrash about autistically when they pray?

Also, some Jewfag on here awhile back was reeeeeeing about how his family all thought the Rothschilds (all of them, not just the one who helped buy Israel), Soros, and other mega kikes were heroes of the Jewish people and their famous wealth was due to strict adherence to Jewish law. The jewanon was pissed because they're horrid lizardmen and would gladly send all of the little Jews to the soap factory if they thought they'd profit off of it. How common is his families view?

JIDF in full force today :D

>crying about jidf in jewish thread


Someone screencap this shit

>What exactly constitutes a "Jewish lifestyle"? Those guys in silly clothes who don't work and thrash about autistically when they pray?

Yes? Anyone who isn't mentally retarded would realize this.

>So, how is life in Israel considering all the anti-terror measures your state takes?

The defensive measures are mostly seen by the amount of security present everywhere there are crowds of people. In every mall, in most restaurants, in every concert or live happening there will be security, there will be checkups at the entrance and a metal detector.

>Do you fear going outside? Do you stay vigilant all day as soon as you go outside your house?

Depends on the level of escalation. During a war in Gaza for instance, the streets are emptier than usual and people are in constant fear of that damn missile alarm.

Also, it depends where in Israel. In cities with the majority Jewish population there is no threat at all. In mixed cities people long since learned to live together but still when tensions rise, people start to fear going around Muslim neighborhoods. And in mostly Muslim cities you simply don't normally walk around, you usually have nothing to look for over there.

>Can you have the same lifestyle as, say, in Italy, where people live comfy and meet each other in cafeterias (at least this is the stereotype)?

Yes. An overwhelming yes. I don't feel any difference in my lifestyle because I live in Israel and not in London or New York. I can do whatever I want, live my life as I wish. And most of the time live without a care in the world (Other than mortgage and taxes of course)

accurate as fuck

>Someone makes thread asking questions about life in Israel
>Israelis answer

I'm starting too wonder whether when that Swede stated that "Europe must learn what it means to be multicultural", she meant it in a way as to say that we must learn why it doesn't work and needs to be avoided.

Israel I'm sure would love to purge a lot of Muslims neighbors and I believe the west 5-10 years ago would have deplored this, especially Europe. That sentiment seems to be changing rapidly.

One needs only to look at the Daily Mails comment sections on news stories relating to jihadist attacks, they're calling for genocide. Yes its true that the DM reader is not exactly an unbiased; or even rational individual, but the same sentiment in diet forms can be seen in YouTube videos regarding similar topics.

So Shlomo, was this your master plan all along or has something seriously started to backfire?

wew lad

Mossad should look into this

> equating shitty naziism with based Jewish Torah

abdoolah pls

Kikebros,why are you all so thickskinned?

>Do you fear going outside? Do you stay vigilant all day as soon as you go outside your house?

We do not fear going outside. We are actually quite active - it's necessary, given the low population of this country that has to support the economy. However, I will admit at least that I always am looking out when in public - just in case.

>Can you have the same lifestyle as, say, in Italy, where people live comfy and meet each other in cafeterias (at least this is the stereotype)?

Of course. Not exactly the same way, cause of the difference in culture, but yes.

Good questions OP.

Too busy counting shekels and planning white genocide to give a damn about insults.

What do you think we do with the removed foreskins?

suck my glorious Anglo-Aryan unmarred penis

I actually like Israelis, the ownership of a homeland transformed them into some of the greatest nationalists around town.
I'm referring to the marxist kikes that infest our governments and destroy us from within.

My buddy from Israel says he's joining the IDF soon so we won't be able to play videogames for a while. But besides that he says it's like any other country in the west.
Hell Finland and Sweden still have conscription.

I like Israel, they kill filthy palestinians and don't give a fuck about muh poor innocent muslims.

Thanks greatest allies.

You sound crazy

What will you do after the whites have been exterminated? Will you enslave the muslims or destroy them as well?

>Sweden has conscription
what the fuck?
what does Sweden need an army for? They have Denmark and Finland as human shield, and they always side with the invaders anyways

Someone's gonna have to scrub the dust off the golden decorations in the 3rd holy temple.

>implying you don't sell them back to the goy as face cream

since Sup Forumss jews seem to be congregated here right now, how do you guys feel about Israels future with regards the massive growth of the Hasidim?

Russian threat, Sweden take their indepence seriously despite their cuckness

No sarcasm now though.

>be me
>wake up on a Saturday
>go to Bedouin village in north Israel
>eat barbeque with 3 Bedouin families, us and only another kike family
>afterwards play football with Bedouin kids in 45c heat
>nobody dies

It's not that bad here. If you want to be friendly and make good friends even from other religions/ethnicities, it's possible.

That's a bigger threat than the Muslims. In terms of economy, they piggy back off the secular people in the country - we have to pay for their ability to survive. It's ridiculous. And they breed like rabbits - eventually, they'll have enough political powers through demographic numbers to pass religious legislature - then we're truly fucked.

I only wish they would stop hounding my tax dollars to do it.


>tries to date a beduin girl.
>her relatives literally cut his balls off.

Those are excerpts from my diary.

>paying taxes to an occupied government

I liked the idea of radically multi-party democracy (proportional representation) but seeing the leeway it gave to the Haredi in Israel gave me second thoughts.

True. That's the issue with democracy. It's sacred and important, but can be easily hijacked. This has been done before.

The only question is, how can you prevent that while still respecting democracy itself?
In around 40 years they might be a big factor of the population. I'm worried about what might happen.

Why do I never hear Druze being mentioned ever?
They're more loyal to the country.

Did you just ask a question and answer it yourself?

Read it again.

>how can you prevent that while still respecting democracy itself?
This is why Republic is better than democracy. It's better to have a medieval government. The head of the state should have some competences, one chamber should be elected by popular vote and the other should consist of virilists (sort of like the House of Lords). All powerful democracy makes no sense in times of pr marketing, manipulation techniques, it loses any meaning

be carefull, thats how erdogan came into power here, massive voting block of poor religious masses pushed him into power.

iirc one israeli official said they were a greater threat to israel than iran, which I agree.

I know. I'm very worried and aware about the situation. Might just escape to Eurabia soon.

I see your point. I doubt it is possible to change a system implemented for so long though. Assuming this option is impossible, how else could one anticipate and stop the threat of religious political power?

Druze are badass. They respect the country that they live in and follow the laws and such. They are indeed very loyal.

Druze mostly show loyalty to the country they're in and to the one that promises their safety (by far the best policy)
They're also scary-skilled warriors (which is the second best policy)
They don't go to Sup Forums alot (for all I know)
They have their own religion that's as ancient as the dead sea.

That's all I know-Druze are mysterious

>Assuming this option is impossible, how else could one anticipate and stop the threat of religious political power?
If they have the numbers in democracy, they will do anything they want. Even a military dictatorship won't stop them in the end, only look at Turkey. Egypt will probably be the same. No constitution or anything can be a safeguard against a social change. But if Israel becomes more religious maybe then you introduce monarchy?

Keep them safe and comfy, friends.

Another question which I always mean to ask Israelis: what is happening with the Ethiopian population - saw that they were rioting last year (or year before) about something - what's was (and is) their deal? Are they left-leaning when it comes to voting - or like the Druze, usually vote in the country's best interest.

Ethiopian Jews are Jews from Ethiopia- that's all really, it's harder for them because being black around people who are a bit less black is hard in this millenia, but they are mostly treated the way any new Israeli "Aliyah" get's treated (they get bathroom duty).

Their women are also beautiful.

What was their rioting all about and were they justified? From what I gathered is was the same things BLM complain about - so I didn't take it seriously.
Yes, I've noticed that their features are far more superior than that of any other type of African.
Not sure how much race-mixing is done in Israel, but in a few generations you guys could potentially produce the an interesting black breed.
I've seen better than your pic related.

Amusing as it is, the religious Jews would be the ones to reject that - they believe no monarchy should rule in the country unless it is a direct descendant of David. Yeah - I'm serious.

They're being dumpstered by society right now - but not out of racism. I will not deny that there probably is some real racism towards them, but that's not the main reason. They're being treated like shit because it's sort of an unspoken tradition to shit on the newest Jewish ethnicity to arrive in the country. During the 90's, it was the Russians and Ukranians - they were the ones sweeping the streets and getting the toughest shit, and were poor. Now it's the Ethiopians, and most of the Russian Jews from the 90's already had kids and grandchildren and are mostly stable in terms of money. Nothing to really be hyped about, in my opinion.

Last question for you two. How do you guys feel about the socialized health-care system in your country? How are you able to pull it off, but other countries/capitalist that push for a conservative approach, like America, can't?

Must be hell belonging to a race who thinks the rest of the world is actively trying to holocaust them
Jews are genetically predisposed to paranoid and neuroric behaviour

you would know

Not too familiar with this subject unfortunately. Can only tell you that I have private healthcare, but there is a public socialized health care system indeed. You just get healthcare depending which system you're in.

From the research I've done Israelis have no choice in contributing (through taxes) towards socialized health-care. You guys still, however, have the option to go private too, though. Thanks anyways.

Once again welfare lets leeches destroy a nation from within. Haredim almost make me be sympathetic to nazis, that's how bad they are

i mean can you blame us? 80% of the posts here on Sup Forums glorify the killing of jews as spearheaded by nazi germany... and people here are dead serious, this ain't no meme dump truck...

What would happen if a Jew or non Muslim walked through a Muslim area do you have no go zones like in Western Europe.

> massive voting block of poor religious masses pushed him into power.

They don't even need to be a majority to have influence, they just need to be large enough that they can deliver a majority to whichever side they support.

That's when both sides start courting and appeasing them, allowing them to gain a level of political and cultural influence disproportionate to their real numbers.

We've seen it happen in London, I'm afraid it will happen in Paris and France too. Democracy is a flawed system, it can be too easily exploited by a crafty minority if their cohesive and disciplined enough.

What do jewish girls think of the Haredim? Would it put them in the same position as muslim women?

We call them Dossim (singular: Dos), it's like calling a Muslim a kebab. And they present a bigger issue to Israel than all of its Muslim neighbors combined.

A bigger threat how?
Strictly economical?
Or do they note vote in Israel's interests?

Like Haredi girls? I doubt they think anything at all.
Secular or semi secular girls probably don't like them much

Joo, please. What's the matter, can't you take a little banter ? I literally read your comment in Woody Allen's neurotic voice.

>nationalism is a european idea
not sure if retarded

>Russian threat
Every time