They are watching you Sup Forums.
They are watching you Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>this is news to OP
Hows your first week here going?
>chat room
>believing shitposters
I always knew journalistic standards were slipping, but I hadn't quite realized they'd drilled through the bottom of the barrel and shot out the other side of the planet.
> believing unconfirmed news on an anonymous image board
mainstream media at a new low
>believing anything anyone posts on an anonymous image board on the internet
Jesus, what sort of mooks are the employing??
/po/ is our secret club chatroom, everyone fuck off.
>everything people post on an anonymous tibetan steel drum gallery is 100% confirmed truth
Well those people read the daily mail so...
>implying he didn't post that himself
Does this mean we can just make a bunch of shit up and it eventually becomes fact for retards?