>be white people
>expand into territory they aren't native to
>enslave or kill the people
>force them to fight in global wars
>w-why is diversity only forced on us
daily reminder if you had stayed in Europe, you would have your white utopia
Be white people
Daily reminder that success breeds jealousy
I wish it would breed more white people
Yeah im looking over at Europe and seeing direct evidence contrary to that
Jews would have existed regardless of colonialism silly
daily reminder the rest of the world will enslave while europe will be free
So why is Europe also being turned into a multicultural shithole if they did nothing?
>>be anyone but black people
>>expand into territory they aren't native to
>>enslave or kill the people
It has always been like that, white were just better
Sweden didn't do colonialism. Also why should the poor be punished for the commands of the rich and powerful?
Also, one doesn't have to follow the other. Mass non-white immigration to Europe wasn't the "inevitable" consequence of occupying their lands for a while.
>Colonial Empires didn't come as beggars
>Colonial Empires didn't require welfare from locals
>Colonial Empires ended things such as slavery
>Ended the practice of burning wives with their dead husbands in India
>Dragged people out of the stone age kicking and screaming
>Brought literacy, culture, health care
>First time anything ever gets done in Africa
>Africans still rely on the remnans of what was build under colonial empires
You baiters are so full of shit.
My country has barley been a country for 100 years; we dindu nuffin.
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
You forgot the thousand years of Islamic conquest attempts, even after fighting the Turks from the Gates of Vienna whites were forced by the Turks to seek new trade routes. Since the east and its trade was cut off by the Muslims.So really colonialism is all Islams fault.
>be a shitsking goatfucker
>hate Europe
>move to Europe
>hate christianity
>murder tons of muslims too
this shit doens't make sense
>be black person
>ancestors lived in jungle, ate each other and died before the age of 25
>white people put an end to this
>act like they've wronged you somehow
Have you ever looked at the places they invaded for the most part. In many cases these people were in the stoneage or not far beyond. The reason the viewed them as savages is because everything from ritual sacrifice to cannibalism was ripe in many cultures they encountered.
They obviously did find some decent ones, but most of South America, South East Asia and Africa was complete and utter garbage.
Others who could've created civilization and made advancement chose complete and utter stagnation and isolation. Look at China and Japan back then, they found a system that worked for them and then bogged down on it, stiffling any kind of developement, entering outright stasis.
Everything else that is attested to the "evils of colonialism" already existed but was carried out by local rulers instead, often times WAY WORSE.
If we had the rest of the world would still be living in utter backwards savagery and misery.
If we never expand you never have modern medicine, modern engineering, modern transportation, modern telecommunications, information technology, human rights, democracy, the rule of law, etc. And Europe would be a super technological advanced utopia with no Muslims or blacks, low crime, low rapes, no terror attacks and... huh you know this isn't sounding too bad.
My country was the Polish,Russian and German bottom bitch and I want 0 shitskins in my continent gtfo shill
What's wrong with white utopia?
There's no utopia here,I mean niggers don't want to come here, but I'm just saying.
Tell that to Spain, the Balkans, Italy, Greece, the Slavs, etc. etc.
Die, faggot. Existence is permanent contest and conflict. There is no void or stagnation and to cease to overtake is to be overtaken. I say again, do not reproduce, to not struggle, die as you should, as you wish others to do.
Says the country who elected Trump as the GOP candidate for the presidency lol
Burguers shitpost about europe all the time but they shure as hell look like being mad, poorer and desperate.
>be white people
you wish, nignog
>expand into territory they aren't native to
like everyone else who is nocht a nigger
>enslave or kill the people
Niggers enslaved each other and sold their own kind to traders
>force them to fight in global wars
they enlisted
>w-why is diversity only forced on us
one "genocide" (which one btw) justifies another.
Daily reminder that you are a stupid piece of niggershit and should be lynched asap
Daily reminder: With changing infrastructure and advancing technologies people would still have comed and seek a "better" life. Back to college with you.
>daily reminder if you had stayed in Europe, you would have your white utopia
Educate yourself you Idiot. Muslims tried to invade Europe since the 7th Century and for teh next thousand years they were threatening the Continent. Tours; Poitiers, Vienna, Lepento, the Barbaresk States that even attacked your Country " because the Koran said so " as the Embassador of Tripoli said to Benjamin Franklin, does that ring some Bell ?!
>be person of color
>get conquered by superior civilization
>get treated ralatively fairly (compared to how other conquering forces have treated their conquered people)
>eventually the civilization adapts to post-WW2 ethical norms
>start bitching about ebil whitey conquests
>"boo hoo fuck you for being militarily and otherwise superior"
>get gibs
>be small and rather irrelevant european nation
>never involve yourself in nigger/sandnigger affairs
>get diversity despite