Is there any higher sexual gratification a white can have when a non-white girl says "I'd never blow a black...

Is there any higher sexual gratification a white can have when a non-white girl says "I'd never blow a black, Hispanic or Indian guy" after sucking you off in the shower?

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Yes, I don't get easily baited by the lies of women

> taking what whores say at face value

Thats obviously a lie. Same shit when they say that they dont have sex in the first date and you are fucking her a few hours later

When she leans toward you and whispers "a fucking leaf" in your ear

/pol made me into a racist that only sucks Asians now and hates tainting my blood with cumcucks and niggers. I used to love white cock and now my ego and racial dominance is too great for it, fuck you /pol

>White cock only!
>Oogie Boogie
>White boy, rule me

Fuck off kike OP