Redpill me on this woman.
Was she based?
Did she save Britain, or make everything worse?
Was she one of the few good female leaders or just another failure?
Redpill me on this woman.
Was she based?
Did she save Britain, or make everything worse?
Was she one of the few good female leaders or just another failure?
Other urls found in this thread:
Thatch was a good leader, she didn't really give two fucks about opinion or opposing view points, and she didn't afraid of anything. She did what she thought was right and was a supreme executive.
She held the UK together during difficult times.
We need more leaders like her, leaders who'd say: "fuck you; this is the proper choice. "
she killed the manufacturing sector and sold us to the jews
Pppppprprtty much this
How so?
...wait. You're not Scots, are you?
No she totally fucked our economy in the long run just to give some tax cuts to the middle class. We basically could have had the economy of Germany instead of fucking merchant banking.
>some industries are unproductive but could have been fixed in a sensible way
The manufacturing sector would have died anyway. The pound was too valuable and production was already moving to Asia (Japan/Korea) at that point.
Australia didn't have a Thatcher. We had a Labor government at the time and manufacturing still died because of high taxes and high wages.
She saved us from one of the biggest economic crisis since the great depression.
People just get mad with her because she didn't pander to the filthy lower class.
That would be all wel and good if they actually made the proper choice instead of doing this: She pretty much single-handedly destroyed British industry and manufacturing, turning us into the London-centric Financial Services economy that we are now.
While that made Britain lots of money it was the ephermal doesn't really exist just a bunch of numbers that wanker bankers play around with type of money. So when the recession hit we got totally fucked.
the manufacturing sector would of died anyway.
and she didn't sell us out to the Jews, that was Oliver Cromwell you twat.