Thoughts on this wild and crazy guy?

Thoughts on this wild and crazy guy?

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He does the simple well. In such a way he's almost doing nothing.

A quiet Will farrell if you will.

Real talent type shit.

the Joe DiMaggio of comedy.

The Jerk is one of the funniest films of all time.

Steve Martin was a hunk

His book Born Standing Up explains it all. He is a great performer and a genuine guy who was always smart and humble with his success.

What's some good Steve Martin kino? Any recs?

i happen to love Goldie Hawn so, HouseSitter was kawaii af for me.

1337 digits, my friend.

Steve Martin makes comedy seem so natural and genuine.

The Pink Panther re-makes were a shame though.

As posted above, The Jerks is one of the finest comedy movies ever made.

Parenthood to see his acting chops. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles is a classic, and I would also recommend his first three comedy albums.