I am an African American who browses Sup Forums regularly. AMA
I am an African American who browses Sup Forums regularly. AMA
Other urls found in this thread:
Do your parents know you are a nigger?
Timestamp with hand and screen on which is this thread. *
Unless you comply with *Sup Forums nigger poster protocols you can fuck off.
There is no need to ask you any questions other than why you have such masochistic tendencies as to frequent this forum.
Vote for Trump then kill yourself.
Are you Kang?
timestamp and ID on arm, then i would like to ask you a serious politicall question.
Have you ever cucked anyone?
Do you hate your palms and the bottoms of your feet for being White?
>thinking you'd get normal questions
What is your opinion about black culture and black people in ameriga
Why are black people so racist? You should be happy that the white man enslaved you since black americans have the highest living standards compared to all other blacks. Without working.
what do you think of the name Christopher Kingsman?
Kill you're self.
would you agree the world has an equal amount of white niggers and black niggers?
What's with the African identifier, why not just American? I have always thought that was odd ..I don't call myself Swedeish American or French AMERICAN. Please TMS
Here you go.
It's very entertaining to read.
Black culture is toxic in its current form. It needs to be redefined to shed its victim complex and focus on self improvement and determination.
If you believe that black culture is toxic, how do you personally plan on contributing to its reformation?
What do you think of the terrorist organization BLM ?
>It needs to be redefined to shed its victim complex and focus on self improvement and determination.
so youre not a faggot?
guys this guy is cool
Did Obama do a good job?
Why are nigs no uppity when literally nothing is stopping them from moving to Canada?
If i was 'being oppressed' in a country that allowed free movement I would freely move to another country
do you use cocoa butter on your skin
also, are you voting Trump, senpai?
Do you have a gf?
Who did you steal that plane from?
Black tripfag here, ask me anything.
and i am the italian tooth fairy, AMA
What's your job?
Who are you voting for?
You disgrace America.
Can you go back to Africa, pls.? Every time the >60% meme shows up it's because of you.
you put pee pee in your spaghetti?
Does your life matter?
Are you down low?
Why are your waifus so shit?
Do you like Death Grips
Why are you trying to hijack OP's thread?
Racists blacks are usually ghetto raised people who lack education. The same thing happens with trailer raised whites.
I am planning to raise my children with good values. They will value education, self-improvement, and working hard and smart.
BLM could have been a positive movement but it's become too violent and oppressive.
Obama did some good and bad things. Compared to the last president, I think he did alright.
>implying he's not someone's wife's son
>Do you watch anime?
>Which news sites do you get your news from?
>What is your opinion on the refugee crisis in Europe?
>Who are you voting for in the upcoming elections, and why?
>What kind of music do you listen to the most?
>Which Sup Forums boards do you browse?
What're your thoughts on the Black lives matter movement?
Do they represent the Black American community well?
Why is it that African Americans are more prone to Crime, violence, and are more easily provoked?
sorry friend but no niggers allowed, i'll have to take you out back
Do you like Gucci Mane?
So what are you red-pilled? Thoughts on BLM?
>Open minded
>Loves animals
Kristen is a lot of things, but shit is not one of them.
>Obama did some good and bad things. Compared to the last president, I think he did alright.
Get out
kys nigger
How much do you make per hour by selling weed?
Should we ban Islam from this planet?
I could ask you anything but there's fuck all I can learn from you as you are a smelly fuckin NIGGER.
>stinky nigger wants to be white
most important question so far
Are you a weeb nigger? I have never met a nigger that wasn't a weeb.
It's actually really bizarre.
Do other black people say you act white?
How do you pronounce the word "ask"?
What are black people like ? and what the best way to deal with them ? I never had spoken with someone black in my entire life, even if we had a huge influx them
Do black people know that Jews are the real enemy and not white people
Does racism on Sup Forums hurt your feelings despite it being satire?
What do you think of that new tv series by starz called "power"?
What is you're reaction to this video?
Hows come niggers never speak out on Black on Black Violence but snitch like a bitch when it comes to white people?
le Sup Forums is satire meme
How often does BLM have their meetings at KFC?
I'm undecided on whom I'll vote for. They're both candidates I disagree with on key issues.
System administrator.
Never listened to them.
One of us, skin color doesn't matter if your heart is true.
What key issues do you disagree with for both?
>implying black weebs browsing this website is rare or deserves it's own thread
You can come to germany and rape some blondes with me if you want
Do you condone race mixing? If so, fuck off.
Should Idris Elba play Bond?
Why did the white man destroy the ancient machinery powering our pyramids, and how can we recover from this fatal blow?
Do you think that black people have inferior genetics, or is the difference in their intellectual performance merely environmental?
If it's genetic, should we implement eugenics programs to fix it?
Is she white?
you gotta go back.
As a Christian, I have wondered:
Do you think the rampant toxicity of black culture hinges on the fact that blacks as a whole have not made a thorough effort to forgive and release their hatred/bitterness of the past/slavery/whites? It seems like a simple enough message: we need to let go and forgive the wrongs our ancestors endured, including at the hands of each other. Victim complex is generally connected to an unresolved issue of forgiveness.
so,when are you leaving?
Unfortunately, I am not quite open minded enough to understand how anyone could find her gorgeous.
She looks like a pre-pubescent boy who is already somehow dead inside.
Why did you chose to post a magical airplane nigger?
We need a timestamp.
>Implying that you should strongly consider killing yourself. *Whispers in ear* Do it, faggot.
More like nice land :^)
did you forget you pic of some retarded savages?
I know right!
I really hope she is white. It will further destroy these racist cis-hetero normalization of wanting to date within your own culture/race.
You are not worthy of a reaction pic,stormfag.
Also learn to type your fucking language correctly.
Look at what a devout black Christian did. He led the Civil Rights Movement.
Blacks in America think they need Islam to go back to their roots (bullshit con game), but what they really need is some Jesus.
Forgive and forget.
>Be black.
I created a stormfront account when I was in junior high.
why don't you off yourself you fucking nigger?
why can't people understand this
So, you were born in Africa and then immigrated to America and got you citizenship? Because that's the only way you can be African American. Ex:Obama
Can't tell if you're a filthy petrol guzzling abo or just shitposting like usual.
are you a nig or are you a nog?
Don't you have some rapefugees to be attending to in that joke of a country? Also why do you retards think calling people stormfags helps you? I agree with a lot of the shit they promote.
>African American
Nice self-separation. I doubt you were born in Africa then moved here.
> Sup Forums ***********satire**************
what, no honey-covered nude pics this time?
the kikes are pushing that shit hard recently
Why do you come to Pol?
I don't watch anime. I get my news from Google news.
The refugee crisis is a serious humanitarian problem with no correct solution. Europe's identity is being threatened by these massive migrations, but you also have these humans who are suffering tragedies and are simply desperate for a safer life. Both sides are right and wrong.
I browse /biz/ and Sup Forums.
Criminal blacks were raised in an environment that valued bravado and violence. That is all they know, and it is the main driver for their criminal behavior.
I don't sell weed but I buy it from my white friend Hans who always has medical grade cannabis in stock.
Banning any religion is not a solution to anything.
I have never been told I act white.
They're just like any other people. You have good and bad ones.
It makes me laugh.
Grove street for life homie
Does the word nigger triggers you ?