Be Iranian, be brought up in Germany, admire Nazis

End up being called a Muslim Arab on Sup Forums.

Any immigrants around here? How does it feel to never be part of the right wing crowd of your country?

Other urls found in this thread:

>admire nazis
is there even a shred of evidence for this claim

He killed nazis, he's an honorary Jew

Conchita wurst

what a stupid fucking tattoo.

fucking disgraceful

Well he shot people and had a troubled mind. That is enough to classify him as a Nazi kek.

>not a muslim arab

virtue signalling.

just saying "you can never gib me the attention i deserve" tbqh

nazism is a religion of peace, he does not represent us #notallnazis

>Admired Anders Brevik (documents found in his house)
>Exactly the 5 years anniverary of the Brevik attack
He was a right wing Nazi. Accept it.