I have a superior intelligence compared to you dumb conservatives,that's why i would only vote Labour!

>I have a superior intelligence compared to you dumb conservatives,that's why i would only vote Labour!
>W-why are you laughing?
>S-stop laughing!

Other urls found in this thread:


before you post
>look at this burger.

its a bong.

Dem manboobs...

Toilet paper roll on the bed.



nice big butt



Are his curtains just XXXL tshirts stretched out across the window?

You can tell just from the state of the room something is very wrong.


Mirin dem fat arms


Jesus, he let himself go and he looks about 17.

That looks a lot like university halls.

I wonder what it studies?




Jesus fucking christ he actually has breasts. There are manboobs from being a bit chubby, and then there is that.

I almost feel sorry for him, thats grim


He went to Wolverhampton and got a 2:1 in Professional Writing...

The (((curtains))) are in fact a bed sheet.

Kek his latest video mentions he needs testosterone injections. No fucking shit.

He is everything that is wrong with young men today. Weak, effeminate, pseudo-intellectual, spends 90% of his life in a 4 foot square room.

That's a 24 year old man.

I think he said before that he has some sort of testosterone deficiency and that's why his body looks the way it does. Also explains why he has stretch marks on his stomach (which is usually from puberty at his age).

I think man is a stretch. Nothing manly or masculine here whatsoever.


>He has a pre puberty tiny dick and balls also.

>Can't cum.

>Can't smell, so doesn't notice his own squalor.

>He has frequently beaten up his 70 year old dad when asked to stop NEETing and go on benefits.

>Actually admitting to trying stuff out sexually with the cat "but not penetration because Muh utilitarian morality"

Holy shit what, how do you know all this? From his videos? They are so long and rambling and hes such an autist its hard to watch.

Whats actually wrong with him medically?

These are the two videos where he actually rapes the cat btw:



What the fuck

i thought you guys got him banned for calling for police violence ? that was my request anyways...

That's the problem with libs. They've been told they're special, better, differently abled their whole life that they think they must be better. They derive a false sense of moral authority from a false sense of intellectual superiority.

the fact of the matter is, liberalism, as it is today, is a childish and backwards religion.

Medically, he often says he has "less testosterone than trying average woman".

He started getting the injections when Sup Forums trolled him so hard, he had to see a doctor.

I encourage you to watch all of this video youtu.be/tiF6JuiGGKE

It's his best, his zenith. He declares war on pol, rapes the cat, eats a pork pie and shows off his cum rags.

he can't cum ?

Is this his actual argument? Wow.

I'll watch them kind of like when your school teacher showed you a video about STD's - a precautionary tale.

>Can't smell

That would mean his sense of taste is diminished as well, right. That would be awful.

thats a good one, my favorite is the one where his mother says benefits or food stamps, i kinda used to like this kid because he's funny but his radically left wing views are starting to disgust me

he said that britain staying in the EU was about the survival of the human species, so i'll bet he believes that argument

Anyone have the image or gif where he licked his tit?


Nice tits.
Shame about the stretch-marks. Childbirth is hard on women.

Love this character

I want to fist his asshole

why ?

>Childbirth is hard on women

Obviously for blowing his nose in the middle of the night...

Well since the poor fucker can't cum I'd imagine that's what they're actually used for.

Have you seen the one where his face goes like beaker from the muppets when he watches 2 girls 1 cup?

youtu.be/RKo0GG2Bl5w - it's at 42 minutes on.

He watches it as "punishment" for beating up his dad, locking his dad out of the house, and having the police come and telling him to tidy his room.

Tbh the whole video is comedy gold, but 42 minutes on is the best Jahans ever got.

*raises fist*
*wears trench coat*
*gets cucked*
*quotes das kapital*
*donates 1k to bernie*
*locks dick cage*
*wears keffiyeh scarf*
*seizes memes of production XD*

Where the fuck are his nipples


No he's fucking not mate, this guy literally has a medical issue

Gyno shit. Probably klinefelter's.

I will also clamp his nipples and sound his urethra; then jerk him off with the sound in it.

I want to see him moan in pain and pleasure.

haha this is an old one he beat up his dad ??? maybe he has some testosterone brewing down there after all

How can this fucking abomination beat up anybody let alone his dad?

Is his dad a dwarf or something?

He sounds like a fucking woman.

You are right, but this nigger needs to go to the GP instead of sitting in his cumhovel writing dr who fanfics and stringing bedsheets across his window.

I know hes on test injections now but its a bit late when you are 25 and have a micropenis and are morbidly obese.

I guess part of the blame falls on his shit parents.

Gyno is a cunt of a thing

His dad is a 70 something year old man.

he looked like an irradiated pepe at about 42:30

somebody make a screenshot !!!

hahaha weird

Mate, he has a boyfriend now.

Wow, it looks like they grafted 2 yams onto Dwight Schrute's chest.


any more cringy youtubers like him?
i know some socialist youtuber with some posters of "May 1" and stuff, cant find him

This is his 10/10 sister btw lads

More Jahans sister

Wtf shes actually reasonably tidy. How did this happen.


holy fuck I could watch that on a loop forever. the real question is- Gordon/Millinnial Woes hangout WHEN?


is this child porn?

Well, mate, this is his mum...


Some siblings win the genetic lottery.


> klinefelter's

Never heard of this until now. Poor fucker hasn't a hope.

>the psychosexual horrors playing out behind the cat's eyes

There's Warcorpse666...

As nice as she may be, she still has the same genes capable of producing such a manchild.

See this all makes sense, we just need a picture of dad now.

Win is an understatement, shes the luckiest person on the fucking planet when you look at the mum / bro. Dodged more genetic bullets than neo.

Left wing teacher goes on NUT marches tier


If I was her brother, I'd kill her for stealing all the genes.

the guy i am searching for has a red-ish face and speaks like a retard



This is his dad youtu.be/BvTTLiCDBB8

He's a bit odd too desu but rich as fuck as he was a government scientist.

>Actually admitting to trying stuff out sexually with the cat

Holy fuck and I thought his "Skyrim DLC for me justifies socialism" argument was bad.


>>He has frequently beaten up his 70 year old dad when asked to stop NEETing and go on benefits.


Sick bulk. He'll look great after the cut.


f e e t

look at his body. He can obviously taste.

Yeah, they're like man feet.

It's Kallmans Syndrome. He hasn't hit puberty. Probably explains why his views are so childish.

take it back or else
