Day 2 of anti-depressants

day 2 of anti-depressants.

Don't do it Sup Forums, don't believe the chemical jew. These make you into a literal zombie, say bye to sadness, cringing, anger and frustration, but say bye to passion and the occasional thing that makes you FeelsGoodMan.

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OP, take Vitamin D in 5000 IU every day, and give up soda for water. Come see me again in two weeks.

Back to, imbecile

>say bye to passion and the occasional thing that makes you FeelsGoodMan.
Jokes on you, I don't have that in the first place

Yeah it numbs all feelings

I ended up taking some of my wife's anti-depressants because I was sleeping about 2 hours per day and I was really starting to freak out and stress too much.
They helped bring me back down but fucking hell i'm glad to be off them. Constant dry mouth and lethargic as fuck.

>never again.

>taking antidepressants

Jesus Christ, just take Vitamin D and work out

Vitamin D + natural endorphins + self-improvement = feel great all the time, naturally

Woman at work started Prozac about 6 weeks ago. She's still nuts and on the edge of being fired every week and she still blows up at people - only difference is now she says she doesn't care about it.
Seems pretty fucked up desu, that drug.

I agree with this. I literally prefer the side effects of alcohol abuse to those of antidepressants and antipsychotics.
Obviously you should attempt to not rely on any substance in the end, but fuck those medications

I'm taking Zoloft 150mg every day. I developed severe panic disorder last fall. The first few weeks I felt like absolute shit, like a machine of some sorts. Just drudging around with 0 thoughts in my head. BUT, after the second week things started to improve considerably, I feel like my old self again. And I haven't gotten a panic attack since. They were daily occurances back then. Hang in there for a couple of weeks and you will feel the change.