Don't do it Sup Forums, don't believe the chemical jew. These make you into a literal zombie, say bye to sadness, cringing, anger and frustration, but say bye to passion and the occasional thing that makes you FeelsGoodMan.
OP, take Vitamin D in 5000 IU every day, and give up soda for water. Come see me again in two weeks.
John Turner
Back to, imbecile
Bentley James
>say bye to passion and the occasional thing that makes you FeelsGoodMan. Jokes on you, I don't have that in the first place
Juan Lopez
Yeah it numbs all feelings
Jackson Anderson
I ended up taking some of my wife's anti-depressants because I was sleeping about 2 hours per day and I was really starting to freak out and stress too much. They helped bring me back down but fucking hell i'm glad to be off them. Constant dry mouth and lethargic as fuck.
>never again.
Kevin Howard
>taking antidepressants
Jesus Christ, just take Vitamin D and work out
Vitamin D + natural endorphins + self-improvement = feel great all the time, naturally
Nathan Williams
Woman at work started Prozac about 6 weeks ago. She's still nuts and on the edge of being fired every week and she still blows up at people - only difference is now she says she doesn't care about it. Seems pretty fucked up desu, that drug.
Austin White
I agree with this. I literally prefer the side effects of alcohol abuse to those of antidepressants and antipsychotics. Obviously you should attempt to not rely on any substance in the end, but fuck those medications
Jacob Nguyen
I'm taking Zoloft 150mg every day. I developed severe panic disorder last fall. The first few weeks I felt like absolute shit, like a machine of some sorts. Just drudging around with 0 thoughts in my head. BUT, after the second week things started to improve considerably, I feel like my old self again. And I haven't gotten a panic attack since. They were daily occurances back then. Hang in there for a couple of weeks and you will feel the change.
Carson Garcia
I have severe depression and mild anxiety.
Anti-depressants didn't turn me into a zombie. They actually worked, the ones I take were designed to reactivate neuro-pathways.
Jose Gonzalez
Retard, no anti-depressant does a thing within 2 days. They probably gave you zyprexa and told you it was an "anti-depressant." they are a waste of money but after 2 days, you would not know it.
Carson Gonzalez
Is this true? OP here and jesus christ I feel like such a fucking zombie.
pls confirm
Jacob Sanders
Don't forget to say bye bye to your orgasms.
You'll fap, shot web, and feel NOTHING
Grayson Anderson
What are you taking?
Asher Reyes
Ye, I can't even fap bro.
and my nuts fucking hurt.
Owen Lopez
working americans don't have time for that kind of shit, so we need chemicals, to maintain productivity.
Austin Wood
On 20mg of Citalopram.
first time.
Andrew Ward
Anti-depressants can work. You just have to find the right medication for yourself. This can take time. Doctors often have patience switch medications as it might not agree with that particular patient. Anti-depressants do work for people who need them. It shouldn't be something you're going to take for the rest of your life either - couple of years until one is better and better able to function/deal with life. It doesn't need to be strong medication either - there's plenty of mild ones out there.
Evan Bell
Yes, it definitely is true. Zoloft (Sertralin) does cause you to experience kind of a mood vacuum at start. Same thing with most other modern anti-depressants. After two weeks things will start improving. The dosage will also be adjusted after a while if needed. Check this site out:
and search for the drug you use to see what the patients think about it. It'll be better soon!
Anthony Rodriguez
I've been heavily depressed and have had suicidal thoughts for years, I don't act on it because I have people that depend on me so that's been my deterrent. I just try to find pockets of happiness. I haven't seen a doctor of any kind in over 10 years either so I've never resorted to this shit nor do I drink, smoke, or do drugs. It's all about willpower.
i took zoloft for a couple of years. just come off it. it killed my dick for months at first. but it did help with anxiety and i dont feel depressed any more. i would say if you can stop taking them if you dont really need them. they can fuck your dick up permanently even after you stop taking them.
Dylan Cook
how stupid are you to fall for the antidepressants meme in the first place
James Powell
I wish I could say that it was, but after having tens of crippling panic attacks, it really isn't all about willpower. Sometimes the chemical balance of the brain is whacked and you have to add what's missing
Easton Jones
Most anti depressants won't really kick in for weeks retard. You're placeboing hard right now.
Landon Rodriguez
I'm a fucking degenerate dependent on weed. I feel like i need to smoke to enjoy shit like video games and just watching something while snacking, otherwise if i do it sober i feel like i'm wasting precious minutes. So every evening after the kids are asleep, provided i have some to smoke, i toke and hang out.
So I quit weed and fell into depression, likely due to my mind compensating for my drug use and blocking lots of the good feels. My wife suggested meds for it, tried it, and didn't feel better, just more tired and more prone to anger.
Did them for a good 6 months with no improvement. Now I'm back smoking pot.
I don't know. I have two kids, a loving wife, own a house, own a business that is just fucking printing money, and i feel like I've completely and utterly failed because I smoke pot. It's unfair. People smoke cigarettes everywhere, people drink, people consume crazy amounts of coffee, etc. etc. Shows, movies, everything is filled with drug references so when i'm dry i notice every single one.
I don't know anymore. I honestly feel like I've lost control of my life due to a simple plant i burn in the evening, but nobody would have batted an eye if i needed those fucking pills to function.
Sometimes i regret falling in love as it's removed the option of me killing myself
Adrian Bell
Yeah, my dick was a wet noodle for a couple of weeks. But things improved since. Orgasms aren't as fulfilling as before, but I compensate by wanking once a week or so.
Xavier James
fucking lels
Hunter Jones
you add it by changing your psychology, attitude and lifestyle not cover it up by quick fix solutions
Eli Diaz
Exactly, these are all psychosomatic effects
Cooper Lewis
I mean, I drink alcohol regardless of my mood. If there's something stressing me out, alcohol definitely takes the edge off. I'm not diagnosed with anything, so that's probably why.
Hell, I even use whiskey as cold medicine. Hot toddies beats OTC medicine
Joshua Kelly
Just smoke pot. Worked for me.
Austin Rivera
I was on medication, mild ones, which gave me the biggest hard-ons. Was like Viagra. Orgasms weren't all that bad either. Was called trazadone.
Joseph Ross
Take some magic mushrooms. 1 dose are known to cure depression.
Luke Kelly
just get some sun and exercise, does wonders
Aiden Hill
they can also fuck you up for good if you have bad psychology
Robert Flores
I take quite a lot of LSD, if anything that just makes shit worse.
Sidenote: also experiencing insomnia like I do on LSD as well.
Jackson Howard
KEK. TWO DAYS? you are not going to feel anything in two days plus it takes over a month for you brain to get regulated on them.
Bentley Turner
I had two jobs, hit the gym all the time, was feeling like I was on the top of the world, but then suddenly everything changed and I descended into having a severe panic disorder. Accompanied with insomnia. I've seen a psychologist and psychiatrists + a neurologist. I'm obviously planning on weaning the medication away in time, but only when it feels like I should do that.
Joseph Lopez
>own a business that is just fucking printing money
your life sounds pretty comfy actually. so what if you smoke weed?
Dylan Murphy
Okay, there's your problem m8. Stop taking the LSD (or take it once/ three months as is recommended) and your quality of life will improve.
Nathaniel Ramirez
The beneficial effects can take up to eight weeks to kick in, but the negative side effects can appear from day one.
t. someone who's been on several different kinds of antidepressants
Luis White
You shouldn't change it with drugs, you're obviously not going to die from a panic attack.
Fuck how can people be this dumb. If You don't exercise daily or eat right you have no excuse for these drugs. I've had 20 clients in these psychotropic drugs and not a single one remains on one drug constantly because none of them work.
Guess what sometimes life is sad or stressful and it usually goes away, with out popping pills even. Do you people think humans were dropping dead of anxiety in our history? Fuck eat more meat and exercise you pussys that is what evolution and God made you for faggots
Hunter Nguyen
Just smoke some weed, pretty simple fix.
Lucas Richardson
A combination of daily meditation, daily physical exercise and psychotherapy works for me.
Austin Moore
since i stopped the zoloft i am premature ejaculating like a motherfucker. cant last more that 60 seconds. i hope its not permanent. could be pssd.
Alexander Rogers
Those are my feels exactly user, thanks.
Samuel Ward
Nothing wrong with smoking weed your problem is trying to fulfill others expectations in order to make yourself happy.
Do what your heart tells you, everything else is Satan. God gave us wine and plants to help us through our hard work he cursed us with. Check out the scriptures and learn koine Greek if you can.
Dylan Green
Also don't take nuerotin. It's a non narcotic nerve pill. They claim it has no detox but that's bullshit. Most these pills they push are just not worth the cost.
Jeremiah White
I just said that I go to the gym regularly you illiterate cretin. And I just stated that the medication HAS in fact helped me tremendously.
Evan Clark
that goes away in like 2 years. You need to relearn how to control your dick.
t. been off zoloft for 2 years now.
Julian Scott
Exactly, Why should I give a fuck? I don't even spend much on it because I know smoking more leads to always smoking more, so i just smoke the same small amount I have been for ages now. I smoke a lot when i'm with friends and want to get fucked up, but limit my regular use to just a haze. Before pot I spent twice as much a month on video games, now i play the ones i have in my stupor.
But despite all the steps i take to be responsible with my dosage, I still feel like such a fucking loser, like I'm below the substance i abuse on the food chain or something.
My stepmother ruined my teenage years and effectively turned me into a textbook people pleaser. If someone is disappointed in me for any reason it hurts more than anything. Part of the reason my shop is doing so well, though, so silver lining i guess.
Brandon Lee
>God made you for >god >existing
lel good one
Daniel Perez
That fucking leaf is whacked in the head
Juan Lee
>t. been off zoloft for 2 years now.
how long were you on it for?
Joseph Gomez
Careful with that. I used alcohol for the exact same reasons and it eventually got so bad I couldn't go through an 8hr work shift without going through really bad withdrawals.
Christian Powell
You know it takes a good month or two before anti-depressants actually have any real effect? You're just experience some perceived placebo.
Parker Baker
Yup I fucking hate this crap, I was on Prozac during a holiday in 2013. Travelling round Europe with mates for 3 weeks.
It was the best holiday of my life but so many of my experiences feel so fucking numb. None of my memories of it are completely clear, they're all shrouded in a bit of haze.
They're literally just a way of keeping a nigga down, it's as simple as that
Chase Williams
I get these for free from the NHS since I'm a britbong.
Jayden Sanchez
nah kangaroobro, this isn't a placebo.
Bentley Howard
My experiences feel numb when I recall them I mean.
Angel Lee
He is right, they do take a couple of months to take effect
Eli Nelson
Fuck you guys.
>depressed DUDE JUST STOP SMOKING/DRINKING >haven't done either in 4 months, still depressed DUDE JUST WORKOUT AND GET SOME SUN >lift weights for 3 months, get at least 40 minutes sunshine a day, still depressed DUDE JUST TAKE VITAMINS >take multivitamin with extra C and D, still depressed DUDE JUST EAT LESS SUGAR >only drink water for the past year, rarely eat sweets, still depressed
William King
Antidepressants more or less have a 20% chance to work as intended so you want to try the natty options first before accepting the Jew. Some people have to go through 4 or more drugs before they find the proper Jew. Don't worry man you're gonna make it.
John Foster
It is, you may experience some side effects within the first week though, like nausea and headaches.
t. former anti-depressant user.
Jose Carter
When i went on them the doctor specifically said the first 2 to 4 weeks are going to suck, which is why i did them for a full 6 months before pulling the plug
Matthew Morris
>I still feel like such a fucking loser, like I'm below the substance i abuse on the food chain or something.
damn. i wish i could smoke weed. i cant because i have schizophrenia and it might trigger a psychotic episode. i havnt got stoned since high school. youre lucky to be able to enjoy it.
Camden Carter
>taking advice from Sup Forums
m8 90% of the people on this board belong in a lunatic asylum.
Anthony Johnson
I'm on 80 mg of lexapro and jerk off every day
Kevin Reed
fuck off, you can't feel any change in 2 days except for physical side effects.
Ryder Sullivan
> nausea and headaches.
I used to have chronic headahces all the time, all day, they;re now gone.
I now have nausea though.
Caleb Kelly
Must be those criminal genes awakening. Naw, fellow shitposter, I feel for you. Obviously I hate doing it all the time but being barred from it completely isn't any fun either.
Samuel Torres
Spit them out then stupid ass
Henry Green
Nigga are you saying you're letting other people on the internet tell you what to do? How much of a literal cuck do you want to be?
If you want to take some fucking antidepressants nobody is stopping you but yourself you absolute fucking cuck. In fact I recommend it just so you get the experience.
As someone who's been on them though, I fucking hate them and never want to do them again. But when I was young I really wanted to take them, I thought it would fix me. So yeah as I say, take them if you want, it's your fucking choice, the point is stop being such a fucking goddamn cuck you utter cuck
Matthew Jones
have you tried just being yourself?
Cameron Ross
The nature of people who don't understand that circumstances are different for different people.
The same way my grandpa told me to just get a job in a factory after I graduated college because even uneducated, skill-less general laborers like him made $50k a year starting with pension for putting shit in boxes.
Mason Martin
Well I'm glad your headaches are gone, you should read up on the side effect though, there should be a little leaflet in the box that came with your pills, it will tell you everything you can expect to experience. Also you will find trying to bust a nut while having a fap almost impossible.
Cooper Wilson
This, really. I used to have a lot of interests, hobbies, and passions. Archery, drawing, playing a couple instruments, weightlifting, playing /tg/ shit, anime, all kinda shit. But as time went by and the depression got worse, they all stopped appealing to me because I didn't feel any reward from any of them.
I stopped listening to music early this year because it just doesn't do anything for me. At this point I'm down to just shitposting here, and reading novels. When reading stops engaging me I plan to kill myself. I just don't see how life will have any point then.
Had a close call the other when I was reading an Ian C. Esslemont novel and realized I wasn't enjoying it at all. Thought it might finally be time to check out, until I skimmed a different book and realized that the problem was that Esslemont's writing is incredibly mediocre.
Leo Cooper
Antidepressants almost helped me lose my job because you stop caring about the consequences of your actions. Flush the pills and smoke some weed
Justin Richardson
Also here's another follow-up point to the fact that you're a cuck. Literally you're letting everybody decide your life, no wonder you're depressed.
How about you have some fucking balls and make these decisions yourself.
E.g. sugar - I try and keep sugar down, I drink only no-sugar drinks and I stopped putting sugar in coffee and tea, but I still eat loads of fucking biscuits and chocolate and shit. I mean not a huge amount and I try and wait until after dinner before I eat it, but if I had *no* sugar I would go fucking insane (I've already tried it and I fucking hated it)
The point is you have to make these decisions for yourself if you ever want to enjoy your fucking life you fucking retard. Essentially what I'm saying is: DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO
Fuck Lexapro took it for a week until I had a panic attack so bad i was about to go to the hospital everything was white for what felt like forever and I couldnt hear my girlfriend said I was screaming the whole time and I couldn't sleep and my nose bled all the time and I just wanted to kill myself more than I already did
Sebastian Brooks
Christopher Hughes
OP here.
I don't drink soda, I only drink water and coffee.
I recently (very recently) gave up coffee so I'm attributing some conditions like muscle pain to coming off caffeine.
I already take a multivitamin, because I'm vegeterian (haha yeah I know it's a funny meme)
I try to workout, and I did workout, everyday, 10 km walking mixed with sit ups and swimming occasionally.
I also don't eat sugary/fatty foods, on a strict 1500 a day diet (I usually eat less)
I fit most of this criteria, and yes, I was still depressed.
Sebastian Kelly
Fuck you're in rough shape man, see a Dr or something, they might be able to help you.
Ethan White
Love reading through threads like this. Helps me understand the mind of the white master race.
Carter Rodriguez
I'm on 200mg of quetiapine cuz I have sleeping issues.
Is it the reason I can hardly feel good feelings!?
I can't seep without them and feel tired all the time btw
Hunter Hughes
>day 2 of anti-depressants.
They don't work that fast faggot, give it a couple of weeks at least you placebo fag.
Ethan Phillips
Sometimes you have to experiment a little with your system to see which drug works for you. For me it was paxil, which I found after being miserable on multiple anti-depressants. I'm sorry you haven't found a miracle drug after two days OP, all I can say is the alternative is typically worse.
Nolan Campbell
took like a few pills over a month, didnt feel different at all. stopped taking them.
Elijah Clark
>These make you into a literal zombie Only in the first time. Depression means your feelings are depressed. The chemicals only make you feel less pain. They don't turn you into a zombie, the depression does.
You'll know what I'm talking about when you're older by a year or two.
Chase Jones
testosterone is an all natural antidepressant
Nathaniel Collins
You aren't suppose to feel anything on day 2. >say bye to passion and the occasional thing that makes you FeelsGoodMan. like what?
Jose Stewart
I've tried to stop anti-depressants many times, but my depressive periods just get worse and worse. I need them to just function. I realise they make me more numb to positive emotions too, but I guess this is worth it so I don't experience those horrendous anxious panic attacks and depressive bottomless pits.
Colton Edwards
Charles Ramirez
Nah fuck this don't fall for the weed isn't bad meme I've been smoking since I was 12 and it ruined the reward system in my brain
Joseph Barnes
is it that big of a issue you need to take drugs? and did you, at least, do the basic stuff first like no screen light 3 hours before sleep and don't eat before bed for at least one month straight? I mean it usually takes 2-3 hours for me to fall asleep though it doesn't bother me at all
Nathaniel Rivera
Thank you for the concern, Ausfag stranger, but I have no health insurance and mental care costs money. Pretty much beyond any hope.
Don't get too hung up on it, I'm basically worthless anyway. World won't be losing anything of value.
Grayson Green
Jesus christ, burger, if weed has fucked me up like it has after starting in my 20's, I can't imagine how messed up you are doing it through puberty