Well /pol? She makes a good point

Well /pol? She makes a good point...

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Just shut the fuck up Canada you gay cunt

wtf i hate white people now

>Mentioned virtually all of them in his RNC speech


Fuck I hate leafes so much worse then even turkey all of them are gay lgbtq cock suckers

>straight buttmad shitpost envy


You are quite easily swayed aren't you?

Her slogan crumbled when he twisted it to make "I'm with Her" sound selfish

No she dosen`t, fellow cuck. Trump is with every Amercian that identifies as an American first, independant on skin color, religion or sexual orientations.

Now please go back to jerking off to Trudeau`s pictures

Trump is with murricans. So she's implying these "minorities" aren't murrican.
She's basically the enemy of america