Memes aside, do you actually believe that some people are different due to their skin color or religious beliefs??

Memes aside, do you actually believe that some people are different due to their skin color or religious beliefs??

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No it's their culture you dolt.

Your god damn right they are, pal.

Cranial structure, culture and IQ matters to me, if Islam had been European based and Chrisstianity Middle-Eastern based, we would have been bombed by savage Christians instead of savage moslems.
Beduin goatfuckers with goatfucker culture would be fuckd up regardless

Skin color is meaningless, but IQ is not, and blacks have very low IQ's.

That said, even among blacks, culture is a far greater detriment to them than anything else.

I think quads supports the culture theory

>skin color
Liberals act like they believe in this linguistic distortion

Yes user, we just hate the color black. Has nothing to do with nigger behavior.

>Cranial structure

A person's religion is literally the guideline of their morality. To not take religion into account when judging a person is ignoring a huge part of who they are and who they choose to be.

Also the notion that race is only skin deep is blatantly ignorant of natural selection.