So are we pretty much in agreement that this is going to be the best film of the year?

So are we pretty much in agreement that this is going to be the best film of the year?

A tale of obsession and repression. No one is seeing this because it's anti-quip but if more films were like this, this generation of "men" wouldn't be so pussified.

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That spear guy in the back really isn't into the whole threatening thing right now, maybe he's got inner issues.

It's Lost City of Z by the way.

I know this isnt a thread about capeshit,feet, or self loathing but please try anyway.

>he's not overracting so he must be not into it

Holy shit watch more adult films.

Passive-agressive shill is mad.

I'm about to watch this right now walking in to get my ticket. Quite excited.

Shit shill if true.

Also this has already been out for a couple weeks and bombing. Shill would have been here in early March.

i read the book - not sure if i want to take up this movie adaptation

It's worth it. There's so much effort put into the filmmaking itself it's insane.

MOTY so far.

"A man's reach should exceed his grasp" ;_;