You have to turn off your PC, go to gym and start learning languages/programming, you need to find a white girl to produce white babies, you have to be a White Man that our civilisation needs. You have to be a lion.
But we both know you ain't gonna do shit. It's more comfy to sit in front of that damn PC, talking to complete strangers, not doing anything, pretending it's not your business. Blaming "leftists", "cultural marxists", spending day by day talking about things that you have no impact upon, instead of changing your own life.
It was just an example. Whatever suits you and makes you happy & can provide bread for your family.
Ayden White
Plus Sup Forums is a huge time sink. You are basically flushing your time (life) in a toilet.
Ryder Long
Elijah Adams
Why not just take neetbux?
Mason Campbell
Girls take too much effort to procure. Easier to jack off to anime
Achmed can have them for all I care
Jose Clark
>you need to find a white girl to produce white babies, you have to be a White Man that our civilisation needs. You have to be a lion. yass, okey dokey, i'm brown btw
Levi Cox
>have homegym >look at Sup Forums between sets >blonde blue eyed germanic gf from switzerland with rich parents >doing phd in physics
My workgroup consists of about 35 people, 4 leftists, 31 people that have no clue and me. Nobody falls anymore for the leftists lies because I bring the more interesting stories and they look like the beta nu-males.
Come at me pooland proxy.
Cooper Foster
Good. Nachste mal werden wir zusammen kampfen mein deutscher Bruder.