Franco-Thread? Discuss the current political climates of your countries, your everyday life, your hopes for the future, etc.
You can either speak french or english : it is up to you!
French Sup Forums!
Je chie sur le Canada.
Mom, Quebec's hanging out with the Francos again!
>It's okay sweetie, Quebec's a rebellious teenager and you know how they are. Now go to bed.
Being a Quebec master-race (having a mix of western european culture and north american culture + our very own), I found in my bookcase a comic by Gerard Lauzier.
And holy shit were the french avant-garde on this political divide that just became mainstream in North America and other parts of Europe. He isn't afraid to take shots at the little bourgeois as well as the leninist. This guy is the greatest satire of the revolutionary left of the late 60's and early 70's.
Truly a work to behold!
I am sure that if I get my hands on his "Tranches de Vie (Vol. 1-5)" that would become the greatest comic on Sup Forums.
Any other frogs are familiar with his work?
>"Holy shit a Quebec flag!"
You cucks are really triggered easily arent you?
my province is less cucked than yours desu
enjoy your eskimos and mudslimes
Why havent you put marocco among the balls ? French is an official langage there too
>not germanic
Écrivent pas l'anglais mon chum
They have every reason to be.
>Failed to assimilate us and had to make compromises with a minority they supposedly conquered
>Our large demographic gives us a huge political power
>We vote for our interests rather than Canada's
>We're French/Irish/Native mutts, we are generally good looking
>We can get any of their women by saying two words in French
>We're basically the representation of NEETS while they're the wagecucks
>We also score higher in every single relevant field
Honestly, I think they're just jealous of that BQC.
Muh heritage.
Why the fuck do need to translate everything ? "Le Balafré" instead of Scarface is a retarded title.
Parce qu'on est un petit village d'irréductibles Gaulois, mais on a pas de potion. Ça créé une certaine insécurité culturelle.
Est-ce que c'est moi ou c'est juste les Québecois qui en ont quoi que ce soit à foutre de la "francophonie"?
Do you really hate portuguese or is that a footballing meme?
ahahah, classique
C'est sur que les Francais sont cucké par l'UE et par les musulmans en meme temps, yont dautres chats a fouetter
Nous avons les musulmans et le Canada. Nos batailles sont similaires. Par contre, l'UE ne tente pas d'éradiquer la culture Française de la même manière que le Canada cherche à neutraliser la notre.
Ce pour quoi on est si coincé du cul quand il s'agit du français.
Mes frères !
totally a meme portubro
Je seconde
yeah sure
Je ne crois pas que nous sommes coincés du cul, seulement la mondialisation nous permet d'oublier le sens historique des Franco en Amérique. Mais bon, après tout le Canada n'est pas le goulag