Just went to see this shit, because I have a theater subscription and I don't have to pay for any movie ticket and I was bored.
And HOLY SHIT WHAT A RIDE. It's like it was written directly by le happy merchant.
>So you remember one of the main characters is a mammoth, who finds a female mammoth in the 2 or 3 movie, whatever
>So now they have a daughter
Who, you guessed it, dates a nignog mammoth
>Who's shit at ice hockey because he's into hip hop and skateboard and shit
>And Papa mammoth naturally hates him because he's a degenerate and who would want their daughter to be a coalburning whore?
>But then at the end his ghetto ways save the day and he becomes accepted and marries the girl(edited)
>Then you have Sid the sloth, who's now into online dating, but he's a bumbling beta bluepill faggot who falls in love after 10 seconds, so he gets shit on by his date who, I QUOTE "Should just go and date other species"
I thought you guys were somewhat exaggerating about the eternal Jew trying to corrupt our young, but fuck this is insane.

Stop watching children's movies.

I told you, I was bored and it was free anyway and it was a choice between this and Independence Day 2.

>Independence Day 2
funny how that movie was worse because they removed the nigger


>this coming from france

>Sid the sloth, who's now into online dating

Wtf? How?

I don't fucking know lad.

>There are people who still watch Ice Age movies
They release these all the time, I'm surprised they still make more.

>not watching children's movies