What are the most bluepilled professions in the world Sup Forums? The ones most likely to attract degenerates, losers and leftists?
So far I've come up with this: Barista Bartender Waitress Janitor Acrobat Magician Clown (anything that you can find in a circus, basically) Zookeeper Musician Anthropology Philosophy Gender Studies Ethnic Studies Psychology Sociology Artist Translator Tourism School Counselor Teacher Art History Journalism Sports Journalism
Feel free to add to this list
Nolan Price
Also, Porn Star Prostitution Modeling Fashion Industry
Liam Anderson
>Prostitution If it's in the USA, prostitution seems like a profession that force-feeds redpills to bluepilled women. Niggers are violent and never pay.
Noah Edwards
>Women damage themsleves beyond repair with rappers, nigger pro-athletes, and rich arabs with a scat fetish >"redpilled"
Hudson Campbell
dentists are some of the dumbest people
Ian Cox
What is bluepilled about translating? You get a lot of money and you get to work at your own pace from home.
Jeremiah Rivera
Higest suicide rate for a reason.
Juan King
Are you fucking kidding me? It's a nessesary blue collar job that can pay a decent wage to low skill workers so long as they are willing to work and not stuffed up with " that job is below me" entitlement.
Jason Peterson
probably because all of that toxic dental material gets into their brain