America consider themselves a strong and powerful nation

>America consider themselves a strong and powerful nation
>Still refuses to air The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson because of the twin towers
>Or even if they air it, they cut the scene in the twin towers majorly

Why? Why are Americans still so butthurt about this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because they don't want to remind the people about the Hoax that happened.

what about the countless other camera angles?

wtf does this even mean?

This literally makes no sense.

all faked by the (((MSM))).

The only people who reported planes were MSM employees.

Normal people only reported explosions.

webm related is a list of (((who))) saw planes crashing into the first tower.

You're probably trolling but it's pretty sad that there are people out there who believe this garbage.

Proof that the destruction of the world trade center is fake. The towers are still there, only they're painted with optical camo paint and is now the Illuminati head quarters

AMericans are spoiled cowards, the second anyone even implies a threat to them, no matter how unrealistic or outlandish, they are ready to toss away their domestic security and liberty while committing unspeakable atrocities. To top it off they are aggressively ignorant about the suffering their cowardice and moral bankruptcy enables across the globe.

The US is the single worst at rogue nation on earth and it's all due to the exceptional ignorance and cowardice of the scum that live there.

How come some people milk tragedies in history forever but Americans just pretend they never happened?